Allah Will Throw A “Star” At Earth And Its Exact Date From Ahadith
Allah revealed in the Book Of Revelations: 21 Then a mighty angel picked up a boulder like a large (Great) millstone and threw it into the sea (the giant Asteroid that will hit the earth) and said: “With such violence the great city of Babylon (America) will be thrown down, never to be found again”
حدثنا عبد الله بن مروان عن أرطأة بن المنذر عن تبيع عن كعب قال
هلاك بني العباس عند نجم يظهر في الجوف وهدة وواهية يكون ذلك أجمع في شهر رمضان تكون الحمرة ما بين الخمس إلى العشرين من رمضان والهدة فيما بين النصف إلى العشرين والواهية ما بين العشرين إلى أربعة وعشرين ونجم يرمى به يضيء كما يضيء القمر ثم يلتوي كما تلتوي الحية حتى يكاد رأساها يلتقيان والرجفتان في ليلة الفسحين والنجم الذي يرمى به شهاب ينقض من السماء معها صوت شديد حتى يقع في المشرق ويصيب الناس منه بلاء شديد
Talking about the massacre of Bani Abbas, the Prophets (saws) tribe when Civil war grips Saudi Arabia, Ka’b said:”The perishing (end) of Bani Al-Abbas (by Banu Umayya) will be once a star appears in Jawf (region), and a Hadda (powerful, hammering sound) and Wahiya (catastrophe occur). All of this in the month of Ramadan. The redness (in the sky) will be between the 5th and 20th of Ramadan. The Hadda (powerful, hammering sound) is between the middle and the 20th (of Ramadan). The Wahiya (catastrophe) is between the 20th and 24th (of Ramadan). A star thrown (by Allah from space, the asteroid) illuminates like a moon (it’s a bright comet with a tail) and then turns like a snake until its ends meet ( this is when Jibril Throws it, diverts its course towards earth just as Allah revealed). Two tremors will be in the night of Fis’hain. The star thrown (by Allah from space) is a Shahab (asteroid) that rushes from the sky with a powerful sound (the Sayha) when it drops in the East (in the ocean) and because of it, people will experience magnificent disasters (around the world until the hour).” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)
“It was but one Shout (Sayhatan), and lo! they were extinct.” (36~:29)
حدثنا الوليد بن مسلم حدثنا شيخ عن يزيد بن الوليد الخزاعي عن كعب قال علامة انقطاع ملك ولد العباس حمرة تظهر في جو السماء وهذه تكون فيما بين العشر من رمضان إلى خمس عشرة وواهية فيما بين العشرين إلى الرابع والعشرين من رمضان ونجم يطلع من المشرق يضيء كما يضيء القمر ليلة البدر ثم ينعقف قال الوليد وبلغني عن كعب أنه قال قحط في المشرق وواهية في المغرب وحمرة في الجوف وموت فاشي في القبلة
Ka’b said: “The end of the kingship (rule) of Bani Al-Abbas (the end of their presence on Earth) is redness in the sky which occurs between the 10th to 15th of Ramadan. A Wahiya (catastrophe) between the 20th and 24th of Ramadan and a star (the asteroid) coming from the East that illuminates like a moon (a bright comet) in a full moon night, then it turns (Jibril changes it’s course towards earth and throws it at America). Also Ka’b said: “Drought in the East, Wahiya (catastrophe) in the West, redness in the Jawf (Interior, Arabia), (and) death that spreads (perhaps due to contagious diseases) in Qibla (Mecca).” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan )The Arab countries will fight over the wealth of the Euphrates after the asteroid and earthquake occur, possibly because resources are scarce by this point. Previously we stated it would be closer to the end of the war in Syria because ahadith indicated this in a general manner, the next hadith is the only hadith we have seen that gives a specific date, indicating later.
حدثنا عبد الله بن مروان عن أرطاة عن تبيع عن كعب قال
تكون ناحية الفرات في ناحية الشام أو بعدها بقليل مجتمع عظيم فيقتتلون على الأموال فيقتل من كل تسعة سبعة
وذاك بعد الهدة والواهية في شهر رمضان
وبعد افتراق ثلاث رايات يطلب كل واحد منهم الملك لنفسه فيهم رجل اسمه عبد الله
Ka’b said: “There will be around the Euphrates, near AshSham (Syria) or a little beyond it, a great assembly (of armies). They will fight each other over wealth, and seven out of every nine will be killed. And that will be after the Al-Hadda (earthquake in Syria) and Al-Wahiya (catastrophe) in the month of Ramadan, and after the split resulting in three banners (battalions, referring to the Saudi civil war), each (head of a battalion or army) will seek the kingship (of the country) for himself, among them, is a man whose name is ‘Abdullah.” (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)The Asteroid will occur then the Earthquake in Syria, then the civil war in Saudi Arabia then the war over the Euphrates because most Arab countries are now desperate for resources.
حدثنا عبد الله بن مروان عن أرطاة عن تتبيع
عن كعب قال إذا كانت رجفتان في شهر رمضان انتدب لها ثلاثة نفر من أهل بيت واحد أحدهم يطلبها بالجبروت والآخر يطلبها بالنسك والكسينة والوقار والثالث يطلبها بالقتل واسمه عبد الله ويكون بناحية الفرات مجتمع عظيم يقتتلون على المال يقتل من كل تسعة سبعة
Ka’b said: “After two tremors (or disasters, one from the asteroid hitting earth the other from the earthquake in Syria) occur in the month of Ramadan, three individuals from the same Household (family) spring forth (vying for kingship. Three rulers from Saudi Arabia will fight to rule). One of them is vying for it by force, another one asking for it by piety, calmness, and dignity, and the third vying for it by killing and his name is Abdullah. There will be near the Euphrates river a great assembly for battle, where they will fight for the money (wealth or treasures). Seven out of every nine will be killed.” (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)
Dates For Events
This hadith dates how long the fitnah of September the 11th took, our work these ahadith explains why in more detail here we are quoting it in short so you can see it.
Abu Huraira said: “The fourth Fitna (sep-11th) remains for 12 years, (America pulled out of Afghanistan) then it clears (it’s ramifications around the world clear in 18 years as another hadith explains). Once it clears (this is after 2019), the Euphrates will recede revealing a mountain of gold (when it recede’s and when people will fight over it are separated by a few years). Seven out of every nine (people fighting for it) will be killed.” (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan) (the river recede’s for the people of the east as the Bible says, but the war over it won’t be until much later).When the major Fitan of the end times are mentioned in ahadith, the ones given specific names by the Prophet (saws), they refer to the Iraq-Kuwait war and everything that occurred after it because that is the point in time, as the Prophet (saws) stated, the Non-Muslims will first come into Islamic lands and begin destroying the Ummah completely.
Understanding this next hadith gives the exact date for the Asteroid;
Huzaifa said: ” The Fitan after the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم until the Hour (of Resurrection) are four (1. (1990) The Iraq-Kuwait war which the prophet said invited the non-muslim’s into Islamic lands 2. (1991-2010) Occupation of Iraq, 1st and 2nd Gulf war, sanctions. 3. Wars In Syria which will only end when Imam Mahdi emerges 4. al-Dajjal): the first is 5 (years or months), the second is 20 (years or months), the third is 20 (years or months), the fourth is the Dajjal (Anti-Christ).” (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan) (What people face when Imam Mahdi (ra) emerges are not fitan testing the Islam of Muslims, the entire Ummah will have an Imam sent by Allah guiding them).
About this hadith, the Prophet (pbuh) said: There will be such troubles and calamities that nobody will have a place to shelter from them. These calamities will travel around Sham (the wars that went around Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel in the 50’s, 70’s and 80’s) and settle over Iraq (in the 90’s staying there for 20 years until 2011). They will bind (entangle) the Arabian Peninsula (from one end to the other, Lebanon and Syria to Iraq)…As they attempt to eliminate these calamities in one (place) they will arise again in another (wars went around Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel then it all settled on Iraq for 20 years and finally went back to Syria after Iraq). (Kenzul Ummal, Book of Thoughts on Doomsday, Vol 5, p 38-39)
The word fitnah means trials, troubles, tribulations people face and not just War, it is something that tests your religion.
Number 5 in the hadith means months, it refers to the Iraq-Kuwait war, the grandstanding of Saddam and goading of world Superpowers in the months after it and just before Iraq was invaded outright as a result, the troubles after the Kuwait war was actually why it lasted this long. The first 20 means years and it is from the fist Gulf War (in 91) which includes the sanctions, spread of espionage and every time America attacked the country, which includes the 2nd Gulf war until troops finally pulled out, all of which lasted for 20 years, which is 2011.
This means the War in Syria (2011) and the fitnah’s that will result from the war devastating Sham will last for 20 years, just like events in Iraq mentioned in the first 20 years include all the troubles the Iraqi people went through and not just the wars, that is all fitnah for the people themselves, the perspective of Rasul Allah (saws) is what the people are facing not the definitions given to it by the world media.
Ahadith state the fitnah of Syria began with the Arab Spring and not the war itself, that occurred on December 18, 2010 (it rather escalated at this point in time and was brewing for some time before that), roughly speaking that is 2010 + 20 = 2030. But if the hadith above, which is a different narration, refers to the war itself (2011) then 2011 + 20 = 2031.
The first 20 years in the hadith included 2 separate Iraq wars, sanctions, life under Saddam who forced people to spy on each other and their own families to ensure total control over his population, life under American occupation who invented these methods during the cold war and everything the Iraq people suffered on top of that.
If the Syrian war lasts for about 10 years then you have another 10 years of other kinds of wars and troubles (4 years of European dominance,+ 6 years for Imam Mahdi’s Army a number stated in hadith so it can’t change) resulting from it before Imam Mahdi appears.
(NOTE: This chapter is a chapter we added later to our work after uncovering these Ahadith which for the first time dated when the Euphrates river will dry up, previously we could only estimate, if it dries after the Asteroid which is expected in 2029, then the Euphrates will dry in early 2030-32, we need to give 6 years rule to the Army of Imam Mahdi before He (as) emerges as ahadith stipulate. This then would push back the date of when Imam Mahdi (as) will appear to late 2030’s and not mid or early as we previously assumed, Insha Allah we will update our work in light of these Ahadith in time but these are the dates based on all the major events mentioned by the prophet (saws)
A famous Asteroid called Apophis is due to come close to earth in 2029 it is not dificult to date the Arab spring to this year because the fitnah began before it escalated in the year we took as its start, from Ahadith Imam Mahdi (as) appears only after the Asteroid and it is a sign that will show the time is near. Immediately after the Asteroid though the Earthquake in Syria occurs in the same month and it is the second of the three major earthquakes at the end of time mentioned by Rasul Allah (saws), then the civil war in Saudi Arabia will occur because America is gone, the world is devastated and nothing is holding people back from seeking their own self-interests on a world stage.
Then the war over the Euphrates occurs most likely this river will dry up because of the Asteroid, or because of the Asteroid spoiling all the drinking water in the world Turkey will shut the Dam to the Euphrates river wanting to keep all the water to themselves which it has threatened to do so in past years, this world disaster will give them the excuse.
“Wormwood is the name of the Asteroid that will hit the earth, it is mentioned in the New Testament, in the Book of Revelation (ch. 8, vv. 10-11). “The third angel sounded his trumpet (Of Judgment), and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water — the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.” (Rev 8:10–11)” Wormwood is a bitter root so the verse could be saying the star will make life bitter on earth as all the drinking water is poisoned and farming begins to fail.
Apophis is dated to come near earth in April 2029, while Ramadan of that year is in January and February, something could occur to increase its speed as Ahadith say it will turn from its path and Hit earth or it could be another Asteroid altogether. Looking at NASA’s Earth Impact Monitoring website shows there are a number of Asteroids exactly like Apophis passing near earth around the same time as Apophis which is the smaller among them.
So how can we be certain of this event, one major thing will occur in the world prior to this event, Europe in the next decade will Dismantle America economically, the Asteroid is meant to be a punishment by Allah on America to ensure they never rise up again, America will persist for a number of years after it is dismantled but it will turn to degeneracy and became a haven for every devil and every evil, the punishment of Allah on Jinn who wish to take control of the earth, or wish to walk on the earth or wish to manifest themselves on earth on Mass is destruction by Asteroid, which we see from History and Ahadith.
The Most famous is the death of the Dinosaurs when they and their Jinn became increasingly violent and would not relent Allah killed them those who did not die he made them suffer Maskh, and so the Jiin of today are much smaller than the Jinn of those days. The other is Allah ending the world of Oracles and Shamans when it dominated the earth in the time of Rasul Allah (saws) by Asteroids being hurled at the Jinn behind it trying to steal news for their soothsayers who where fueling this way of life killing the earth.
Jinn will once again show their heads during this period which the Bible states and Allah will destroy them with an asteroid, that is the Hikmah behind this event.
Shaykh Rami Al Rifai).
These Fitnah’s are:
1) Syrian Civil War.
2) Europe invading Syria, Lebanon and all Islamic lands, sanctions being placed on Syria just like Iraq.
3) The Sufyani warlords emerging and destroying Sham and Arabia.
4) Arab Nations including Syria fighting over the treasure of the Euphrates.
Referring to the armies fighting over the treasure of the Euphrates Ibn Sirene (ra) said:
حدثنا ضمرة عن ابن شوذب
عن ابن سيرين قال لا يخرج المهدي حتى يقتل من كل تسعة سبعة
“The Mahdi does not appear until seven out of every nine (fighting over the treasure) die (including Syria).” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)
حدثنا يحيى بن اليمان عن كيسان الرواسي القصار وكان ثقة قال حدثني مولاي قال سمعت عليا رضى الله عنه يقول لا يخرج المهدي حتى يقتل ثلث ويموت ثلث ويبقى ثلث
Referring to Arabia and Sham (Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine) Ali bin Abi Taleb (r.a.) said: “The Mahdi does not appear until one third (of people) are killed (in wars), one third dies (probably due to natural disasters or famine and disease), and one third remains.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)These are all the troubles the people of Syria (and Sham) will face in these 20 years. Something you have to consider about the word fitnah, it doesn’t just mean war it means all the kinds of troubles people are facing because of an event, so you can’t date it exactly to when troops pull out because the people are facing other issues.
So, Syria will see 20 years just like the 20 years Iraq faced, therefore the most consistent understanding is that these 20 years include the civil war and events after the civil war that the people of Sham will face.
2010 or 11 + 20 = 2030-31 these years are exactly as the hadith of the Prophet (saws) mentioned about the Asteroid hitting when the month of Ramadan begins on Friday. When you check the calendar for dates in the time range, 2030-31 are dates when Ramadan begins on Friday (taking into account moon sighting).
That is the year the Asteroid hits, the earthquake in Syria happens, the Saudi civil war occurs, the fighting over the Euphrates treasure and the year Imam Mahdi (ra) emerges to stop it all, this is the year all misery will end, he (ra) will spread justice on earth like America and the West spread misery and devastation.
Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (ra) said that the Prophet (saws) said: “When there is a Sayha (sound like the shout mentioned in the Quran) in Ramadan, then there will be turmoil in Shawwal, and the tribes will form groups in Zul-Qi’da (because now America is gone from the world and they are free of their politics), and blood will be spilled in Zul-Hijja, and in Al-Muharram! What is prohibited?” saying it three times, “Oh, Oh! The people will be killed in a great massacres.” He said: “We said: “What is the Sayha (scream), O Messenger of Allah?” He said: “This will be in the middle of Ramadan, on a Friday morning. That will be when the month of Ramadan begins on a Friday night. There will be a Hadda (powerful, hammering sound around the world) that will awaken one who is asleep, and bring the young women out of their rooms, on a Friday night during a year of many earthquakes (and very cold). So when Ramadan begins on a Friday night in that year, (and) then when you have prayed Fajr on Friday in the middle of Ramadan, then enter your houses, close your doors, block your windows, cover yourselves, and block your ears. When you sense the scream, fall down in prostration to Allah and say: “Subhanal-Quddus, subhanal-Quddus, rabbunal-Quddus (Glory be to the Most Holy, glory be to the Most Holy, our Lord is the Most Holy).” For whoever does that will survive, and whoever does not will perish.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan, Hadith )
Remember what Imam Ali (ra) said about the end of misery because that hadith is also about the 20 years of fitnah Sham will face. That year also marks the year the Sufyani will turn against Europe and Russia in Syria kicking them out.
All of this is why these 20 years are significant for the Ummah;
Imam Ali (ra) said, “Wait for the end of misery once three things occur.” We said: What are they, O’ Prince of Believers? He said: “The dispute among the people of AshSham (Syrian civil war), the Black Banners (Imam Mahdi’s Army ruling Arabia), and the Qaz’a (Asteroid) in the month of Ramadan. It was asked: “What is the Qaz’a ? He said: “Haven’t you heard what Allah said in the Quran (26:4): إن نَّشَأْ نُنَزِّلْ عَلَيْهِم مِّن السَّمَاء آيَةً فَظَلَّتْ أَعْنَاقُهُمْ لَهَا خَاضِعِينَ ‘If We wish, We can send down to them from Heaven a sign, such that their necks remain bowed down (in humility).’ This Aya (sign) will make a girl come out of her bedroom, wakes up the person who is asleep, and frighten the one who is awake.” (Ibn Al-Shajari’s Al-Amali Al-Shajaria)
It’s called a sign because a visible and bright comet passing by the Earth will suddenly change course mid-flight as it is thrown by Jibril (ra) at America.
So, Insha Allah, the matter of WHEN is firmly established now.
8-Apr-2020 12:08 am