Post# 1586584242

11-Apr-2020 11:50 am

Pakistanis dead in NY : 100+
Pakistanis dead in Pakistan : 70.

Take note. And no, Pakistan doesn't have an authoritarian gov like us to hide the real number, and they are testing in hundreds of thousands, like the west. Wholeheartedly and honestly trying to figure out who's infected.

| "Give it some time, they will die in droves, like the Italians and Ecuadorians."

Egypt was infected in the very early phase and was exporting infection before any other country, indicating uncontrolled and wide community spread. Death count there now 135. Yes, it has an authoritarian gov, but where's the dead lying on the street? Which Equator is showing, regardless of its type of government.

| "Just wait, their death is around the corner!"

Indeed. Around the corner.

11-Apr-2020 11:50 am
