Facebook Posts - September 2019

1-Sep-2019 7:29 am

I don't walk 15 km per day. Rather regular walk is 8 km [ 5 miles ].

The thing to watch is heart rate. This walk was at 11 min / km pace. Heart rate was within 130 for most of the walk.

Previously made a 4 km walk at 8 min / km pace, which is very fast and at the speed that I used to walk at when I was younger, rate jumped to 170, which should have been my max.

Maybe I am too much focused on all these devices and heart rates, and would have been better off not knowing or caring any of these. As they say ignorance is bliss.

And you don't need all these devices and hand bands to measure your heart rate anyway. Check the frequency of your breath and that will tell your heart rate. Panting? You have reached max heart rate and suffering Oxygen lag.

  • Bata, North Star. Loafer shoe, no lace. Size 10.

1-Sep-2019 7:29 am

1-Sep-2019 8:15 am

Texas shooting. The signs were indiscriminate shooting, trying to inflict maximum kills. 30 shot and no one knows how many dead. I thought this one should be a Muslim immigrant shooter for sure. Right?

Until I ran a deep search on twitter to figure out this one was a 30 something white male.

The no-news on the shooter's identity should have been a give away.

Time changes.

1-Sep-2019 8:15 am

1-Sep-2019 3:03 pm

Sharing a post in comment.

This boy was an Islamist, a jihadist, anti-imperialist, fully concerned about Syria, Kashmir and had been sharing all the latest post of our known celebrities on these same ideologies.

So what's the last thing he might do?

Commit suicide.

Yet he did just that jumping from roof top yesterday. And this is his final note. Knowing fully well of the consequences and punishments and then telling us "well God can forgive us if He wants to anyway."

A bad ending. And what's the sin that he committed in life to face such a consequence? He told us that too, in case we agree to accept it : continuous miss-behavior with one's parents.

Well, how can someone so much concerned of the Ummah, can engage in such a grave sin as to not know how to behave with one's parents?

Maybe we are so much focused on jihad that we have made every other thing moot including those major things as good behavior with parents.

Time to refocus on what's most important first.

A stark opposite end to our Zaved Kaisar vai, both at the same time, but with a different lesson.

Soon it will get harder figuring out what's right, simply from watching signs.

  • https://www.facebook.com/usamah.nadvi/posts/2718377121526591

1-Sep-2019 3:03 pm

1-Sep-2019 10:39 pm

I was wondering if any of the Hajjis dying during Hajj travel are buried in any of the famous cemeteries like Baqi in Medina or Muallah in Mecca.

Figured out no one actually is. That they are buried there is a comforting word that's being told us by the agencies. But reality differs.

I did know of this for Medina, as the graveyard there is too small to accommodate all the Hajjis dying there. Even though the graves are cycled, not all local arabs in Medina get a place there. Only the elites get a place there that Saudi gov issues a permit for.

Was checking Javed vai's grave location. As published on FB it's called مقبرة شهداء الحرم translating "Graveyard for the Shahids of Haram". Located it on google maps. And the distance recorded 12 km from haram.

So is it within the border of haram? Still no. The border of haram ends at Aisha mosque on that side. Which measures 2 km. So where is Muallah? The famous cemetery of Mecca? That's 1 km from the Haram, that is within the borders of Haram.

But nevertheless it's still within the border of Hillah, the area encircled by Miqat, and nearest to Muallah than any other graveyard.

May Allah accept their good deeds and enable us to follow them.

Pic in comment showing Javed vais burial location, Aisha mosque, Muallah [the yellow star beside Aisha mosque] and the Haram.

Sharing this for our future understanding.


1-Sep-2019 10:39 pm

1-Sep-2019 11:18 pm

2-Sep-2019 9:58 pm

Here are all the common diseases overeating causes.

- Cardiac arrest.

  • Diabetics.
  • Alzheimers.
  • Arthritis.
  • Knee pain, back pain.
  • High blood pressure and stroke.

    But it sure doesn't cause cancer, right?

    Link in comment on how fasting reduces cancer propagation.

    2-Sep-2019 9:58 pm

  • 3-Sep-2019 1:50 am

    Dorian hitting coastal areas near USA. Its gusting air speed spikes to 295 km/hr.

    Reminds me of the 1991 cyclone we watched hitting Chittagong. Its gusting air speed, still remember, was 330 km/hr. 150,000 people died in the resulting coastal waves that came with the cyclone. That count is for only bodies-found. Actual count was then estimated at 300,000 as many bodies were washed over to the ocean.


    It toppled the second largest TV transmission tower in BD which was in Chittagong. And later a tender was issued calling to build a tower that can sustain 330 km/hr wind hit.

    I still remember stories of miraculous survivals and deaths from that surge that were spreading like tales.

    These days super storms like these are getting so frequent, that those are now almost a no-news event.

    3-Sep-2019 1:50 am

    3-Sep-2019 2:25 am

    Next comes the Insurance companies. The whole "pay this much amount monthly to get a return of this much amount at the end of xx years" was a complete scam!

    You can pay with your whole heart all that you wish, but they would never payback a cent of you money. Forget the interest, that was a bait anyway.

    And as like you never win in gambling, you never win in Insurance too. Not even if you face the accident that you are insured against. And even NOT IF they mysteriously pay for your loss.

    You want to insure yourself? Better save the premium you wished to pay yourself, and use that fund in your hard times.

    Not only you gain double the benefit this way as no insurance company in the world pays back more than 50% of the premium collected, but also you get a 10 times larger payback this way, as you are comparing the investment with a BD company, which most likely would have never paid you back anyway.

    3-Sep-2019 2:25 am

    3-Sep-2019 12:52 pm

    I don't find a problem with Taheri saying what he says.

    I don't find a problem with others trolling on what Taheri said.

    But I do find problem when people try to engage the government in it, and try to ban or punish him for what he said.

    That something is a "Bid'a, Munafeqi, not-Sunnah" has nothing to do with our justice system or our government.

    I rather appreciate Taheri's stand on it "If law enforcement want to monitor what I say, let them monitor and I am not a bit concerned about it. And if they find anything illegal, let them do whatever they are supposed to do."

    This attitude of 'I don't give a damn on what others say' is something that I can learn from.

    3-Sep-2019 12:52 pm

    3-Sep-2019 9:25 pm

    19 km. From Asar to Esha.

    Basically walked to Banani graveyard, did some work, then returned.

    3-Sep-2019 9:25 pm

    4-Sep-2019 6:12 am

    কে দায়ি :

    আমাকে কেউ ব্লেক মেজিক করলো, আমি আত্মহত্যা করলাম -- আমি কি জাহান্নামি হবো নাকি হবো না?

    ধরি কেউ ব্লেক মেজিক করে নি। আমি সুস্থ সবল হাসি খুশি স্বাভাবিক। হটাৎ শয়তানের প্ররোচনায় আত্মহত্যা করলাম। জাহান্নামি? এখানে শয়তান দোষি।

    উল্টো দিক থেকে সিমানা বাড়াই :

    ঘুমের ঘোরে আমি হাটি। স্লিপ ওয়াকিং। এই অবস্থায় বাসার ছাদে হেটে বরডার থেকে লাফ দিলাম। জাহান্নামি?

    কেউ পাগল হয়ে গেলো। এর পর আত্মহত্যা করলো? সে? জাহান্নামি?

    আচ্ছা :

    কেউ যদি বলে উপরের কেইসগুলোর মাঝে কে জাহান্নামি কে জান্নাতি আমরা জানি না। আল্লাহ তায়ালা যে কাউকে মাফ করে দিতে পারেন। তবে কি সে মুরজিয়া?

    জানা নেই।

    • পাগল আর ঘুমন্ত ব্যক্তির উপর থেকে কলম তুলে নেয়া হয়েছে।

    4-Sep-2019 6:12 am

    4-Sep-2019 6:54 am

    কমন কিছু প্রশ্ন :

    "হাটা বা দৌড়ানোর হিসাব কি করে করেন?"

    এনড্রইড মোবাইল ফোনে। fitness tracker, step counter, run counter, walk counter এই সব শব্দ দিয়ে সার্চ দিন -- হাজার হাজার এপ পাবেন। এর মাঝে যে কোনোটা ডাউনলোড করে ইন্সটল করে নিন।

    আপনার মোবাইলে জিপিএস থাকতে হবে। রান বা ওয়াক স্টার্ট দিয়ে হাটবেন বা দৌড়াবেন, প্রোগ্রেস দেখাবে। শেষে স্টপ দিলে হিসাব-প্রোগ্রেস-স্টেটিসটিকস দেখাবে। ফেসবুকে শেয়ার করার অপশনও পাবেন।

    "অনেক এপের মাঝে কোনটা আপনি ব্যবহার করেন? আমি কোনটা করবো?"

    যেটায় কোনো এড নেই এবং ইন-এপ পারচেস নেই। ডাউনলোড করার আগেই এপ স্টোর দেখায় কোন এপে এড-পারচেস আছে। সেগুলো বাদ দিয়ে যাবেন। Google এর নিজস্ব একটা আছে "Fit" নামে। সেটা দিয়ে ট্রাই করতে পারেন।

    • Mi Band 4 and corresponding android app "Mi Fit"

    4-Sep-2019 6:54 am

    4-Sep-2019 7:58 pm

    Moonwalk :

    India is about to land its rover on the lunar surface if everything else goes right. Right now it's orbiting the moon riding the satellite it was originally launched with.

    Question : if the rover wants to travel the whole perimeter on the surface of the moon and return back to its starting point, how many kilometers does it have to travel?

    We know that for going around the earth it's 40,000 km. As that's how the kilometer was defined initially.

    For a rough calculation on moon, we have two data, the diameter of the moon in night sky, which is half a degree. And distance of the moon which is 400,000 km.

    Calculating from these two give a number of 10,000 km. Which is almost what the actual figure is.

    Ending with a moonwalk video going viral on social media. Even though it might look like it's in BD, it's actually from India.


    Old timer's nostalgia : in the 80s "moonwalk" actually meant MJ seemingly walking forward while actually moving backward.

    This post had an attachment, which is now missing

    4-Sep-2019 7:58 pm

    4-Sep-2019 10:10 pm

    Iran war :

    The strike on Iran might be carried out by Israel, instead of USA. But it's inevitable. Will happen. Most likely earlier instead of later. Reports NYT today.


    But none of these mean Iran will retaliate. It might choose to simply file a complaint under UN and be done with it.

    Reminds me of Israeli fighter's raid and bombing of Saddam's nuclear reactor in Iraq in 1981. The fighters traveled over Jordanian and Saudi airspace to reach near Baghdad, bombed the reactors and returned. Iraq though raged, couldn't do anything.

    The video of that bombing was played so many times on TV at that time, that I still remember it.

    So what's the lesson here? The nation that God wants to win will continue to win for as long as He wishes them to win.

    We wait, eyes on the sky.

    • মিশরিরা শাফি। যেখানে দাড়ি রাখার গুরুত্ব হানাফিদের থেকে কম। একারনে একই রকম মালয়শিয়াতেও দেখা যায় যারা শাফি।

    4-Sep-2019 10:10 pm

    5-Sep-2019 8:03 pm

    Robots are creating new job opportunities too, for humans who remotely operate those robots.

    But aren't robots supposed to run by themselves? That's what they were meant for? That's true, but apparently -- they can't still. Which is why these job opportunities are growing. Reports WSJ.

    These are jobs like remotely operating a flying delivery drone -- those still can't fly in every terrain. Remotely operating a sentry guard robot -- those can't handle unusual situations, a human needs to step in, and guarding is about handling unusual situations. And works likewise.

    Link in comment.


    5-Sep-2019 8:03 pm

    5-Sep-2019 10:18 pm

    • কিন্তু... কিন্তু... আমি তো জানতাম আমেরিকায় কেউ যেতে পারলে সে আর ফিরে না!?! :-/

    5-Sep-2019 10:18 pm

    5-Sep-2019 10:50 pm

    "For the first time in forever..." walked 8 km in bellow 80 minutes.

    Well not exactly in "forever", as I could walk just as fast previously. But fell sick to multiple diseases that put me mostly in bed for the last 12 years.

    Apparently recovering.

    All thanks for Allah.

    5-Sep-2019 10:50 pm

    6-Sep-2019 7:40 am

    The net is still deep into religious debate as I can watch in my news feed.

    But I no longer am the driving force behind it -- this thought is so soothing.

    6-Sep-2019 7:40 am

    6-Sep-2019 8:02 am

    News : "China made an artificial star that's 6 times as hot as the sun, and it could be the future of energy."

    So China made a large progress in nuclear fusion and is about to reap the reward, right?

    Wrong. Then the details, it runs only for 10 seconds and is far from generating any usable energy.

    Nuclear fusion power is as far off, at it had been for the last 40 years.


    6-Sep-2019 8:02 am

    6-Sep-2019 2:21 pm

    Zimbabwe's Mugabe dead. No sympathy. He turned his nation from the food basket of Africa into a hungry bankrupt nation for the 40 years that he was in power.

    His strategy was to grab all farm land from white people, and distribute those to blacks. But blacks couldn't run the equipment, neither could harvest or manage the farms. The net food exporter nation quickly became an importer. But where would the money come from? He started printing money leading to hyper inflation where billions and billions of Zimbabwean dollars couldn't buy a bread.

    And one can assume that he would have seen that his strategy wasn't working and would have backed off at one point. He didn't do that.

    If one needs a proof that not all nations can rule themselves -- he should look at Zimbabwe. Self rule sounds good in theory, until the whole nation leave their free state willfully to become the asylum seeker slaves of the other nation that they have kicked out from their land previously.

    Life is tough. And high pitched emotion can't feed a nation.

    This one was a strongly opinioned post.

    6-Sep-2019 2:21 pm

    6-Sep-2019 11:59 pm

    7-Sep-2019 5:46 am

    Well, looks like India isn't going to be the 4th nation to make a moon landing after all, at least not today anyway.

    That makes it the second nation to fail a lunar landing after Israel.

    Don't know if this is a good news in the morning or a bad news. [ :-) ? or :'( ? ]

    7-Sep-2019 5:46 am

    7-Sep-2019 1:55 pm

    Moon landing was an easy task, until nations started to mimic that half a century old job again. And this year, two nations tried to land a buggy and both failed.

    Here are the possible reasons :

    - Maybe moon landing is indeed fake. The other nations that claim to have performed it also failed, but they simply chose to lie instead to accept the truth. Problem with Israel and India was that they were live broadcasting the landing, and were caught off guard, couldn't fake it anymore and had to come out with the truth.

    - Maybe moon being a pure place doesn't like any nation landing there with an impure heart. And as such on some scale USA, Russia and China pass a threshold, which Israel and India don't.

    - And don't forget "Nibiru", the secret planet that scientist deny ever exists. And as a reason they don't include its gravitational pull in their calculation, and thus all their missions fail.

    - Conspiracy from Pakistan? Maybe they reached the moon before India and were waiting there with their guns.

    7-Sep-2019 1:55 pm

    7-Sep-2019 6:02 pm

    Now some dark post, [as opposed to humorous post].

    || South Africa

    Riot in South Africa is on going against all foreigners and migrants. The second wave within a week. This comes after we had been reading of Bangladeshis being killed there every week for the last 6 month.

    The media isn't highlighting it, but people are getting burnt there alive on the street, video of which are on tweeter. And if a foreigner has a shop or business there, God save him.

    Another sign of anti-Migrant movement now taking over the whole world, including our country. Sign of the time.

    || The "Barbar"

    Anyone who have read "Al-Fitan" from Nuaim bin Hammad should be familiar with the term "barbar"s of Africa. They are supposed to wreck havoc Egypt starting a new phase of tribulation. I was always in a lost as to who they were. And assumed they should be the black nations from mid Africa.

    Until a few days ago, when figured out all the north African arab countries except Egypt are called "barbar". Which includes Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco.

    That changes a lot for those that are looking for a match.

    7-Sep-2019 6:02 pm

    7-Sep-2019 11:36 pm

    There was a film called "The Madness of King George" in the 90s. [didn't watch it]

    In the 2000s when Bush was in power, then people were using posters from that film to express their disapproval for the president. King George as in George W. Bush.

    But those were only for funny display, not literal. Today's news : Trump is showing erratic behavior and people are really concerned about his mental health.


    7-Sep-2019 11:36 pm

    8-Sep-2019 6:26 am

    A few hours ago Russian UFC fighter Khabib was in octagon again in Dubai, and this time beat his American opponent Poirier to retain his title. Opponent submitted at 3rd round when grabbed bad on the floor.

    Khabib still managed to jump off the ring like last time. But instead of punching his enemies he hugged his team this time.

    Most of the game was Khabib just grabbing his opponent until 5 minutes of the round was over.

    The full fight is available on youtube, but these are all illegal uploads as the game was possibly only on pay per view. Which means these clips will be removed shortly.

    By the way, Khabib is actually Habib, but a lack of a "H" in Russian language made it Khabib.

    8-Sep-2019 6:26 am

    8-Sep-2019 7:16 am

    NYT covers article-writing as a profession. It pays. Though not as much as a good software writer, but not much less either. The news covers article writers mostly from Kenya. The lady being discussed earns $300/month. While the best writers earn $2000/month. I guess a median value would have been a better indicator than these max values, as most of the people can't reach the max.

    There's question of legality. But it's unethical for the one who's buying it from me. Me selling my service shouldn't be unethical, at least that's my justification anyway :-)

    There are many types of article writing. This one covers writing homework and solving assignments for USA kids. :-)

    8-Sep-2019 7:16 am

    8-Sep-2019 12:50 pm

    NYT OpEd on Quantum Mechanics [QM].

    Not only is QM now not explainable, scientists have taken the stand that anyone who tries to explain it should be counted as out of the bounds of science. Therefore anyone who touches it loses his grands for research.

    QM mysteries took a sharper turn in the late 90s and early 2000. That's when I was following it.

    Basically right now if you want to touch the explanation of QM, you need to talk on God or at least "Intelligent Design". That's a no-go zone for science. They are scared.

    That's my take anyway.



    8-Sep-2019 12:50 pm

    8-Sep-2019 4:09 pm

    Lightening strike killed 250 this year in BD.

    Note that this region sees the largest number of deaths from lightening in the whole world. 25% of all deaths worldwide. Only a single district Sunamganj had 100 deaths from lightening within the last 4 years.

    8-Sep-2019 4:09 pm

    8-Sep-2019 6:03 pm

    Security :

    || Registered mail

    Here's how I was delivered a mail today. Once the delivery man has handed me the papers, he sends a confirmation to the courier service. The courier service's server sends me a SMS containing a code. The delivery man has to collect the code from me and punch it in his phone. On acceptance it's recorded as delivered. No signing required.

    This sounds best way to deliver registered mail. No way he can not deliver it and fake the papers as delivered.

    || Credit Card

    As soon as I handed over my card the sales man told me to punch in my 4 digit PIN. This should ring a thousand alarm. He can just clone my card, take this PIN and withdraw money from ATM.

    This has happened previously. In Shawpno Banani sales center. Where the sales man was wearing a card reader as bracelet on his hand. And then watched the buyer punching in the number.

    Was my Bank stupid? or is this sales man faking?

    Then noticed this new card I had wasn't a standard magnetic card that can be cloned. Rather it's one of those microchip card which can't be cloned. He can take my PIN but then he has to fight and take the card from me too. In Swapno's case, the bank was using standard magnetic card and still prompting the user to punch in the 4 digit PIN in open. That was a no-no.

    So has security increased or decreased?

    Increased I guess. Previously whenever I lost a card, was always scared that someone might be using it to purchase something expensive on my name. Because there weren't any other security in place other than being the card holder.

    Now it's two factor. You need to know the number too.

    • This one

    8-Sep-2019 6:03 pm

    8-Sep-2019 11:49 pm

    Cattle market right now :

    I was watching cattle price after Eid. Especially at the border area. Was assuming that cattle price should be one fourth of that of peak season at this time. Figured out isn't actually. Still priced the same as was at Eid. Maybe a little bit more.

    Videos are on youtube.

    The way to go is online. Sell your cattle online and more likely you will have a better opportunity. One company sold their 100 cattle in two days as soon as they put those online.

    Also in Aftabnagar cattle market, a lot of camera teams were roaming around. They were taking snaps of live cattle, uploading those over facebook, add their price and live chat with the buyer. If he agrees, they purchase it, hire a pickup and deliver it to his door -- hassle free. Good business I would say.

    All these point to a future where online is the way to go.

    8-Sep-2019 11:49 pm

    9-Sep-2019 3:27 am

    Taliban-Trump talk stalled. And if we are to believe NYT, it was reluctance from the Taliban side that broke the secret signing at Camp David. In that case this agreement might never get signed. Then what? USA has to do something like a no deal Brexit, exit Afghanistan without a deal. That should be a win for Taliban.

    What if USA doesn't withdraw? Well then all those big promises from Trump that he delivered before election are as void as other presidents' talks that Trump used to attack for being void.

    9-Sep-2019 3:27 am

    9-Sep-2019 2:46 pm

    Cartoon series that I used to watch as a kid.

    Birdman - Watched in Bangladesh Television [BTV] in 1975-76. The very first cartoon that I used to watch.

    Fantastic 4 - Watched BTV : 1975.

    Battle of the planets. Anime, Watched BTV : 1984

    Spider Man - this one was the first of many later reboots. Watched BTV : 1982.

    Those where the one I watch alone. The other more popular ones like Thunder Cats, Voltron don't ring that much nostalgia.

    9-Sep-2019 2:46 pm

    9-Sep-2019 10:26 pm

    Snipers were the unsung heroes till the 70s . Forming quotes like "Nothing can save one from the bullet of a sniper."

    Later as tech improved, they were replaced by less skilled strikers assisted by better technologies.

    Here a recent hostage situation in China, where a man has taken a women hostage in a public place. The sniper was called in. He shot a single bullet from afar and in between the legs of another man who was covering him.


    This post had an attachment, which is now missing

    9-Sep-2019 10:26 pm

    9-Sep-2019 11:23 pm

    I couldn’t meet their glances
    I was staring at my shoes
    It was acid, it was tragic
    It was almost like the blues

    Though I let my heart get frozen
    To keep away the rot
    My father says I’m chosen
    My mother says I’m not

    I listened to their story
    Of the gypsies and the Jews
    It was good, it wasn’t boring
    It was almost like the blues

    - Leonard Cohen

    9-Sep-2019 11:23 pm

    10-Sep-2019 6:31 am

    BD exports have fallen 25% bellow forecast and 11% bellow the level of last year. Big sign that global slowdown is unexpectedly hitting it.

    What's making BD going right now isn't remittance or garments. It's foreign aid, that amounts to $6 billion. Which is an increase over $3 billion from last years. For comparison exports we talked about above also amounts to $3 billion.

    Think of Rohingas saving the day. At least for the next few days.

    10-Sep-2019 6:31 am

    10-Sep-2019 6:55 am

    News : "Sarah Palin's husband files for divorce after 31 years of marriage."

    Remember Sarah Palin?

    10-Sep-2019 6:55 am

    10-Sep-2019 7:09 am

    Brexit : Boris Johnson failed the early election bid. But parliament remains suspended. Now whether Boris can deliver on his promises yet remains to be seen.

    Worst would be another extension.

    10-Sep-2019 7:09 am

    10-Sep-2019 7:49 am

    Vaping death in the USA now increased to 5. And if I am to believe my son, kids in BD schools are smoking e-cigarettes in droves. Maybe no one will die here. But it permanently damages your lunge. Not everyone has to die.

    Interestingly e-cig was introduced as a safe alternate to old cigarettes, that was supposed to deliver only nicotine, the addicting element.

    10-Sep-2019 7:49 am

    10-Sep-2019 3:56 pm

    শিয়াদের ব্যপারে আরো কিছু পয়েন্ট :

    || জিহাদ সিমিত

    শিয়াদের ফিকাহ মতে আক্রমনাত্মক জিহাদ বলে কিছু নেই। রাসুলুল্লাহ ﷺ কখনো করেন নি। বরং এটা চালু করেছে ওমর রা: ইরাক বিজয়ের সময়। এবং শিয়ারা ওমর রা: কে শত্রু মনে করে। জিহাদ শুধুমাত্র রক্ষনাত্মক।

    এখান থেকে শিক্ষনিয় হলো একারনে ইরান গায়ে পড়ে আক্রমন সাধারনতঃ করবে না। প্রথমে আক্রান্ত হতে হবে। এর পর তারা হিংস্র হয়ে যাবে। ইরাক-ইরান যুদ্ধের সময় যেরকম দেখেছি।

    || তকদিরে বিশ্বাস নেই

    তকদির মানে আল্লাহ তায়ালা আগেই সব কিছু লিখে রেখেছেন কি হবে সেই মতো সব কিছু হচ্ছে। অথবা ভালো মন্দ সব আল্লাহর তরফ থেকে আসে। শিয়াদের মতে এটা কমপ্লেক্স এজন্য এটা বিশ্বাস করে না। তারা বিশ্বাস করে শুধু মানুষের কর্মের উপর তার ফলাফল নির্ভরশিল।

    শুধু এই বিশ্বাসের জন্য সুন্নিরা তাদেরকে ইসলামের গন্ডির বাইরে ধরতে পারে। যেহেতু আকিদার সবচেয়ে ছোট লিমিটের মাঝেও এই বিষয়টা থাকে। আমানতু বিল্লাহি ওয়া মালাইকাতিহি ... যারা পড়েন।

    এতে শিক্ষনিয় হলো হাদিসে শেষ যুগে তকদিরে অবিশ্বাসিদের ব্যপারে যা কিছু বলা আছে, সেগুলো শিয়াদের ব্যপারে ধরা যেতে পারে।

    10-Sep-2019 3:56 pm

    10-Sep-2019 5:40 pm

    Jack Ma retires from AliBaba. He did great. Started at a time when most of the web ran on perl cgi. Held there for years until he solved the payment issue. And then made billions.

    Great job done. Tribute.

    10-Sep-2019 5:40 pm

    10-Sep-2019 10:34 pm

    Big news this hour :

    John Bolton out. Yes you read that right. He just said he quit.

    Trump says he is fired.

    I blame global warming. :V

    • *quit <-- guess i spelt it right this time in the status too.

    10-Sep-2019 10:34 pm

    10-Sep-2019 11:27 pm

    Now it's basically Trump and Pompeo running the white house.

    Next watch Israel.

    10-Sep-2019 11:27 pm

    11-Sep-2019 12:22 am

    Apple watch 5 released. New in this cycle is an always on display. It will dim to very light grayscale most of the time, and lit up when you move it near your face or touch the screen, like how it worked before. But the always on screen is a big addition.

    The catch is battery lasts only 18 hours. You need to charge every night, and thus can't check the time at night.

    11-Sep-2019 12:22 am

    11-Sep-2019 2:43 am

    Apple day event is over. A new phone with 3 cameras on the rear priced at $1100, a Netflix like streaming service at $5/month. And a gaming subscription service at $5/month.

    The streaming service market is getting crowded. And everyone seems to be making their original content.

    11-Sep-2019 2:43 am

    11-Sep-2019 8:06 pm


    Our childhood.

    In case you were wondered what "Inflation" is.

    How BD has now exceeded Singapore fulfilling our dream.

    The generation that cries for a good slapping.

    Didn't know I was always dropping my phone the right way.

    Warning : Cuteness overload.

    Me now vs when was young, :-)

    Always safe putting mom in the exception list anyway.

    The Mom!

    11-Sep-2019 8:06 pm

    11-Sep-2019 9:43 pm

    Day trading is another zero sum game that people believe they *should* be making a profit but don't and then only blame themselves or their luck.

    This is in stark contrast to what we knew 20 years back. Then it was said : Sell before peak, buy before rise and you will get rich soon. Until it was shown that there is no way one can predict when the market will go up or down.

    As a solution they introduced funds managed by smart investors, that *knew* which share to buy and sell. Until it was shown none of them did better than the market index.

    Even worse : as you need to provide these smart chaps with a big cut of your profit for their useless advice, you earn less.

    Introduced computer algorithm, surely some kind of math can predict the market? Until it was shown that none of them works no matter how much data from the world you feed it.

    Then everybody jumped to index fund. Which did better as there's no cut for the big head -- the market wolfs.

    Then it was shown you don't actually need someone to tell you what an index fund is either. Just buy some random share tossing coin over the air and you will do just as good as the index fund.

    And today's news : Scientific research shows it's impossible to make a living from day trading. :V :V

    20 years and people I thought were the smartest wolf in the streets -- are just puff in the air.

    Work hard and build something real that makes peoples life easier. That's the secret sauces to success.

    11-Sep-2019 9:43 pm

    11-Sep-2019 10:15 pm

    More on : nothing that we predict goes as per our prediction.

    So what's next after Bolton?

    USA might now be looking for peace with Iran. Oil price has fallen today watching this sign.

    And increase troops in Afghanistan -- they want to win this war badly. Trump tweeted about reincarnation of war in Afghanistan for the last few days.

    If anyone said the above 2 weeks ago, I would have called him crazy. ROFL.

    Or maybe something else might happen and these are just camouflage for that.

    Keep watching.

    11-Sep-2019 10:15 pm

    13-Sep-2019 1:14 am

    Timeline : Movements

    Summarizing the timeline of the history that I lived through. Which movement was at its peak at which era that I have witnessed.

    || 70s : Communist

    It was the communists all over the world. I could hardly understand politics at that age. But saw the leftovers from that decade in the 80s. Most of all islamic movements at that era also revolved around communism. Think of Maolana Vashani in BD, and how popular he was. Communism lost it's charm by the end of this decade and was mostly eradicated by 90 after the fall of USSR, modern Russia.

    || 80s : Shibir

    Branch of Ikhwan movement from Egypt. It rose in popularity in the 80s. And at that time most of all islamist students in BD varsities were involved with Shibir. There were no second movement that I knew of then. Popularity started to dwindle by the end of that decade.

    || 90s : Tablig

    Popularity of the Tablig movement within the students rose in the 90s. This was the peak. There was a separate student branch and they were mainly leading it. The student branch was closed by the end of this decade and the work faced stalemate by 2010.

    || 2000 : Hijbut Tahrir

    This was the time that it took off within the varsity students in BD. It was replacing Shibir, and most of the people you know that support HT are from this genre. It ended by the end of this decade when it was declared illegal, and faced hard government crack down.

    || 2010 : Jihadi

    Gained popularity in this decade and replaced HT. These were all basically underground team. But divided in a bunch of fractions each lead by a local leader. They passed their zenith after their corresponding groups lost in the middle east wars.

    || Now

    We are watching the future to see what's next.


    13-Sep-2019 1:14 am

    14-Sep-2019 12:11 am

    My tk 124k Thinkpad has broken after 6 months of service. The usb-c charger port got dipped into water, picked it up that way and inserted into the computer. The charger after that is alright but the laptops charge port is burnt or something and isn't working after that.

    As a solution I had another 30k Lenovo laptop sitting in the store unutilized. Dusted it off, charged it, ditched the preinstalled Win 10, installed Fedora, rsynced the work files from the Thinkpad to here -- and well, I have complete working system up within a day.

    The only down side I feel is that this one doesn't have a backlit keyboard. And it's very tough to work in the dark without one. Even though I touchtype but need assistant during typing numbers and controls.

    Other than that I don't see any dramatic difference between the top end and low end computers. The cheap one I am using now has a 1TB HD, 4GB RAM and probably a dual core celeron processor. But that isn't a factor. That the processor is still a 64 bit is a factor and was enough.

    The lesson? You don't need a high end laptop for work. Though it's a nice to have thing if you work in group and everybody quietly compare who has the most expensive one. :V

    • By the way, the Thinkpad possibly can be repaired, But my work can't stop for that duration. Has to continue anyway.

    14-Sep-2019 12:11 am

    14-Sep-2019 6:50 am

    Timeline : Ideologies

    The Islamic teachings that dominated or gained popularity in every decade that I have lived through.

    || 70s : Berlavi

    The whole country was behind shrines, spiritual music and saints. I would assume 95% of the population in BD followed the Berlavi ideologies at that time. Milad was regularly arranged at one home or other in the community.

    || 80s : Spread of Deobandi

    By this time the Deobandi teachings caught on with the general population. And Berlavi fiqh started to lose traction. Most of the Imams in mosque by this time where Deobandi educated. Milad lost popularity and became rare.

    || 90s : Rise of Ahle Hadith

    Ahle hadith teachings started to spread within the educated community. There wasn't any Internet still. And communication was performed person to person and through booklets. The spread was more prominent on the west side of BD. Debates and arguments on differences were frequent and could be watched anywhere people were talking.

    || 2000s : Saudi Salafia

    The salfiya movement caught on in BD by this time. Spread by large number of scholars returning from Medina university, satellite channels, and the internet. At one point it seemed to me that salafi teaching will take over Deobandi.

    || 2010s : Return of Deobandi

    By this time we saw a revival of Deobandi teaching. Pumped by Deobandi scholars now becoming media aware and bracing it, which they were mostly avoiding before this time. And the arguments from the Salafi scholars becoming more tolerant toward the Deobandi teachings.


    14-Sep-2019 6:50 am

    14-Sep-2019 7:36 am

    Surreal post :

    I don't have colon cancer, but was checking regardless what the survival rate is *if* I had it anyway. Figured out there's a 10% chance of me surviving after 5 years.

    Not sure whether I should be happy or sad. :V

    Dying in the toilet was frowned upon by our *overly correct* generation. But then again, if I am sick and about to die, I surely will vomit or excrete some type of bodily fluid. And in that case it is basic instinct to run to the toilet. And more likely to die there.

    Don't know what this generation was thinking. Right now every time I run into toilet I have to fear : will I be dying there this time?

    And as if that wasn't enough, now there's a second way NOT to die from : colon cancer. As if there are some right places to get a cancer and a wrong place.

    This hopeless generation. Face palm. :V

    14-Sep-2019 7:36 am

    14-Sep-2019 1:59 pm

    Hours ago Houthi drone struck on Saudi's oil facilities in two locations creating large fire spreading over multiple targets in each area. Fire videos are in Twitter.

    Saudi military on high alert. But what more can they do? They are already fighting Houthis. Fight more?

    The same can be said about Trump's renewed interest in fighting Talibans. Then what? Weren't USA fighting hard enough in Afghanistan to win this war in 18 years?

    I don't see how a new Afghan war can revive now. USA will need a supply route and there's no Musharraf in Pakistan to provide that. Was watching Imran Khan's interview with russian RT news and he was saying it was our grave mistake providing USA support for Afghan war in 2001. He won't be doing it. And Trump's last year tweet accusing Pakistan doesn't help either.

    • Saudis started teh war some 10 years back when houthis were ascending to power because Saudis didn't like the houthis.

    14-Sep-2019 1:59 pm

    14-Sep-2019 9:24 pm

    tbh, we are passing one of the most peaceful time in human history. No raging war in anywhere. And if we look back that was very rare.

    But the feeling is like this is the calm before the storm. The irony : peace but not really "in peace".

    Too calm, should we say.

    14-Sep-2019 9:24 pm

    15-Sep-2019 1:05 am

    Today's attack should incite fear inside the hearts of Saudis. Half of its oil production is down. And no news when it might resume. The Houthi strike was in the heart of ARAMCO, its oil site. And at a bad time when ARAMCO was about to issue its first IPO within a few months.

    And there is no news that Saudis prevented part of the attack or even were able to detect the drones. When the first news broke out in the morning today everyone was unsure if that's a local accident or something else.

    Its american anti missile systems are there, but has been proven useless in this attack. The low flying small sized drones aren't detectable on radar. There were 10 involved and most of all struck their targets. These are cheap and have possibly flown a thousand kilometers deep inside Saudi.

    Imagine the chaos that will ensue if they start using those against more vulnerable targets.

    Saudis by now should be feeling like sitting duck.

    15-Sep-2019 1:05 am

    15-Sep-2019 5:57 am

    KSA the sitting duck won't sit there for long. It will retaliate. The attack yesterday cut its throat, and KSA gov has acknowledged its oil production is down to half. Global supply chain down 5%. And USA is ready to tap its strategic reserve.

    In case this escalates, which is a high possibility, USA and Israel won't have to run the show. They can just sit back and watch war break out between KSA and Iran.

    Keep watching. Situation changing every week so drastically that it's like chaos.

    15-Sep-2019 5:57 am

    15-Sep-2019 10:04 am

    “The less people know, the more stubbornly they know it."

    15-Sep-2019 10:04 am

    15-Sep-2019 3:34 pm

    Last Thursday the city was mostly blocked and traffic came to a standstill. Later the news read that was due to a factory of NASA garments shutting down and workers losing their job, they were blocking the road.

    Weekend is over and it's Sunday. Today's news another garments in Mirpur shutdown their factory and workers blocked the road. 40+ garments factory have been shutdown this year.

    Global slowdown hitting Bangladesh. Note that 90% of our export is garments.

    15-Sep-2019 3:34 pm

    15-Sep-2019 3:42 pm

    Here's global oil flow stats
    Daily consumption : 100 million barrels.
    Saudi export : 10 million.
    Recent cut reduced saudi capacity to 5 million.

    And news indicate this situation is likely to prolong to 6 months. The damages are major.

    Second issue : Saudi got a new oil minister just a few days ago replacing the old one. The new minister is a brother of MbS.

    15-Sep-2019 3:42 pm

    16-Sep-2019 12:40 am

    Made a search with keywords "ইমরান নযর হোসেন". No hit. Posts? None. Pages? Well none still. Videos? At last found a few old ones.

    Has the world changed a lot while I wasn't looking? Where have they gone?

    And more importantly : am I the only survivor from that Najar hossain generation? In that case am I still the poor man's Najar hossain? or the main stream Najar Hossain now?

    Wondering :V


    • ^ Accepted. And tagged the post appropriately.

    16-Sep-2019 12:40 am

    16-Sep-2019 1:24 am

    Information on recent attack on Saudi is getting more clear.

    Recently Iran was moving its missiles near Israeli border, in anticipation that if it's struck, it can quickly and effectively retaliate by attacking Israel.

    Then two weeks ago Israel bombed every one of the missile bases that Iran was building. But these things aren't new.

    What was new is that, one of the most damaging attacks wasn't launched from Israel, but the Israeli drones used in that attack took off from Syria, which Iran wasn't covering with radar and wasn't monitoring. That took it by surprise.

    Now how can Israeli drones take off from Syria? Later it was reviled that Saudi was the sponsor here. Iran now wanted to retaliate.

    Therefore Iran used an unexpected place like an Iraq base to launch all these drone attacks on KSA and create maximum damage. This time they wanted to hurt it, and not just warn like before. And that took the Saudis off guard too, they weren't monitoring Iraq.

    These drones were 3 meter long cruise missile type drones. And Kuwait watched those flying over their head. They are now taking serious actions to prevent any more.

    Keep watching.

    16-Sep-2019 1:24 am

    16-Sep-2019 6:58 am

    Crude oil price jumped 20% higher today. Largest surge since the gulf war in 91. And supply disruption is largest in history surpassing all gulf wars and even Iran revolution in 79.

    Satellite images of the site is on net. And shows 20 points hit. Indicating there were more than 20 drones involved, not 10 as previously reported.

    And the strike points were very precise. No two drones hit the same target and everyone hit the structure it was supposed to hit.

    Next how Saudi/USA retaliate is yet to be seen. The bad thing about bragging on choking Iran through sanctions is that you can't choke it any more no matter what it does. And that's what Trump did to Iran without a reason. Now there is a reason, but no way to put in extra sanctions. USA has to go to war and hope Iran doesn't retaliate.

    • Two months of practice and my english is improving. Had to fix only 2 grammar after posting this one. It used to be 20. :-)

    16-Sep-2019 6:58 am

    16-Sep-2019 7:47 pm

    Just watch if I travel abroad within a week or two, or not.

    If I don't, then that should be a big proof that I don't need medical treatment, unlike what some rumor mongers are spreading.

    Keep watching. :-)

    16-Sep-2019 7:47 pm

    16-Sep-2019 10:59 pm

    I always heard the lyric as "বন্ধু তুই লো কার বাশ?" -- "Next who will suffer for you in pain, my friend?"

    And though that was deep.

    Only to discover that it was actually "বন্ধু তুই লোকাল বাস"।

    It has turned now deeper.

    16-Sep-2019 10:59 pm

    16-Sep-2019 11:16 pm

    এ মন আমার পথর তো নয়,
    সব ব্যাথা সয়ে যাবে নিরবে।

    [ warning : contains music ]

    That this one is from 2013 tells a lot on how long this has been going on.

    And reminds me of Shuvro Deb the original writer of part of the lyric from the 80s. Haven't heard of him in like ages. Guess he has settled abroad.



    16-Sep-2019 11:16 pm

    17-Sep-2019 6:10 am

    Suppose the world establishes a fresh new state in a new land for all the asylum seekers. Now they can live there peacefully, right?

    Well, wrong. Who would be ruling them? There will be power struggle. And as like the conflict why they weren't able to live in their own land, they won't be able to live in this new land too.

    Any nation that can rule themselves can live in their homeland too. If not then they will need foreigners to rule them.

    BUT foreigners' rule is "occupation" and they will seek "independence". Leading to conflict, deteriorating situation and then seeking a newer land to start over, again. Rinse, repeat.

    17-Sep-2019 6:10 am

    17-Sep-2019 6:35 am

    Saudi-Iran :

    Right now it seems neither Saudi nor USA is willing to fight Iran. They are seeking excuses to look the other side and kill this whole incident off.

    Trump is to meet with Ruhani of Iran in USA recently. And rumors are that Trump offered Iran 16 billion to go back to the old Obama era agreement with Iran again, which he unilaterally revoked last year.

    Even if Ruhani agrees, what prevents USA from backing off again a few days later? And what's the value of an agreement if any side can break it at will, and when a next president will not respect the previous one's deals?

    The thing is, everyone knows the current conflict once started, will quickly spin out of control and into territories never visited before.

    No one wants to see himself as the one that started it.

    17-Sep-2019 6:35 am

    17-Sep-2019 3:21 pm

    Richard Stallman, the father and poster face of everything open source and all free software has resigned from MIT and Free Software Foundation. Reason is a comment he made on Epstein, which even if true wasn't politically correct and should not have been said in the open.

    // wondering if I have said the same politically incorrect thing in the above paragraph. :V

    17-Sep-2019 3:21 pm

    17-Sep-2019 6:03 pm

    Timeline : turning points in history

    That I have witnessed. Interestingly the turning points occur mostly at the beginning of each decade.

    || 1979

    This is the year Islamic world turned on its head. Prior to this the world was mostly secular/communist. And events in this year made Islam significant again. Afghan war, Mecca seizure, Iran revolution, Saddam's ascendance all morphed the world. Marked start of the Hijri centrury 1400.

    || 1991

    Fall of Communism. The world entered from the era of cold war between two super powers, into a single super power now running it. Start of long decade of peace.

    || 2001

    9/11 morphed the world once again. Nothing was same as before. Religion of Islam came into the fore light into world politics.

    || 2011

    Arab spring. Beginning of the decade long Syrian war. Middle East now is the battlefield of superpowers, replacing Europe.


    17-Sep-2019 6:03 pm

    17-Sep-2019 10:46 pm


    Resume writing tips.

    Damn you all TicTok users.

    The one I have at home is yet to laugh, safe?

    Moksed now is in need of a different kind of help.

    Can't find anything more to add. Everything is there.

    Thumbs up. Don't know where, though.

    This is what I also wondered when I was a kid. But don't anymore. :-)

    RIP language.

    But the notice said exactly not to do this!

    17-Sep-2019 10:46 pm

    18-Sep-2019 7:13 am

    All my posts on Quantum Mechanics [QM] :

    Delayed choice quantum erasure experiment performed on helium atom - proving particles don't exist until observed.

    Forbes article - the only way our sun can burn is through QM

    Even scientists will give you contradictory answers when asked basic questions on QM

    Student's QM essay, rick rolled.

    Arrival of QM computers in 1995

    Quran doesn't teach us new science, rather instructs us to use our knowledge of science to watch God's creation.

    A chess game based on QM rules

    Physical constants might be different in different locations of the universe -- [ this one was later proven false ]

    In Bengali : two things from science that prove God's work.

    A single photon having half a plank momentum - the impossible can happen.

    China launches a satellite that uses quantum entanglement for communication, that can't be spoofed.

    Trying to revive an alternate explanation of QM other than Copenhagen Interpretation -- that doesn't work

    Forbes article on EmDrive -- now proven false

    As per QM - everyone sees a different reality

    Quantum foam - and vacuum energy explained in this video

    How QM contradicts the basics of creation of the universe -- instead of explaining it all

    Gizmodo's explanation of Hawking's last paper on parallel universes. These are physically existing universes outside our own

    My wild guess on what the seven skies might be

    QM says the cat is both dead and alive at the same time, and NOT dead *or* alive.

    Scientists have now taken the stand that anyone trying to explain QM isn't doing science.


    18-Sep-2019 7:13 am

    18-Sep-2019 7:50 am

    Economy ::

    India is facing a cash crunch. Businesses that have tons of money are sitting on it and not lending anything to anyone. This came after Modi's new bankruptcy law which allows businesses to legally not pay back, if it can't afford to.

    That turned the market and GDP down. Which now is hitting 5%.

    And today's news : cash crisis hits US. Repo rate, the rate banks loan money from central bank suddenly exploded yesterday. So much that Fed cancelled and stopped all transactions at one point blaming "technical difficulty". Later it resumed and Fed had to inject $50 billion into the system.

    18-Sep-2019 7:50 am

    18-Sep-2019 12:25 pm

    If a man can walk 25 km daily while travelling during the pre-industrial days, ridding horse he should be able to travel 100 to 200 km, right?

    Figured out that's not the case. He would be travelling about 30 to 50 km horse back riding. And that riding will be basically the horse walking while carrying him on back. Not much better than travel on foot. Galloping doesn't last more than a few minutes.

    Therefore daily travel in the old days was around 25 km. Regardless of transport.

    18-Sep-2019 12:25 pm

    18-Sep-2019 7:17 pm

    Someone delivered this Jinn story today on Twitter :

    I do have a Jinn story. Was about 20 years ago when I use to drive a cab. So I got dispatched to an old folks home. Out came a very weak old lady. So I use to play Quran very low as I worked my shift. She got in and immediately commented, "I recognize this but it is too low."

    Was weird, So I turned it up. She snarled up her lip and said, Oh...the Quran. I said, yes it is! Have u heard it before? Are u a Muslim? She said, I heard it when it was first revealed. And I always knew you would leave Christianity and become A Muslim.

    Not gonna lie I was spooked and took refuge with Allah. I said, u knew I would be a Muslim huh? How? She said, because I was there at your birth. First thing that crossed my mind was the shaytan pricking the son of Adam at birth. So I turned around and went to drop her.

    Back where I got her. The staff were like what happened? Why didn't u take her where she wanted to go. I just said another can would be on the way and that the lady said weird things. The nurses looked at each other and said, This woman doesn't speak. She hasn't for decades!

    18-Sep-2019 7:17 pm

    19-Sep-2019 11:27 am

    Why do I write about middle east or USA when my country is in shambles?

    The clear answer is : we in BD are prosecuted for the slightest negative comment that we might write against our government. Which is why sitting in BD we write on usa or middle eastern politics, while those currently residing in saudi or USA write on BD politics. Always keeping a safe distance.

    And in cases when we write on local politics, we write it vaguely. As like "the situation in Uganda..." where by Uganda we mean BD. All locals understand what one is talking about. Others might find it surprising.

    19-Sep-2019 11:27 am

    19-Sep-2019 2:37 pm

    "Ya man yara" "O! The One who watches everything...forgive me for my past!" the first arabic nasheed that went viral on the net likely in the late 90s. Youtube was yet to appear then. This one made the Gulf singer famous at that time who then went on with his career.

    يا من يرى
    يا من يرى مد البعوض "جناحها" في ظلمة الليل البهيم الأليل
    يا من يرى
    و يرى مناط عروقها "في نحرها" و المخ من تلك العظام النُحل
    يا من يرى (×2)
    يا من يرى مد البعوض "جناحها" في ظلمة الليل البهيم الأليل
    و يرى مناط عروقها "في نحرها" و المخ من تلك العظام النُحل
    و يرى خرير الدم في أوداجها متنقلا من مفصلٍ في مفصل
    أمنن علي بتوبةٍ تمحوا بها ما كان مني في الزمان الأول
    يا من يرى (×2) ماكان مني في الزمان الأولي
    أمنن علي بتوبة تمحوا بها ما كان مني في الزمان الأول
    يا من يرى (×2) ماكان مني في الزمان الأولي
    يا من يرى (×2)
    و يرى وصول غذى الجنين "ببطنها" في ظلمة الأحشاء بغير تمقل
    يا من يرى
    و يرى مكان الوطء من "أقدامها" في سيرها و حثيثها المستعجل
    يا من يرى (×2)
    و يرى وصول غذى الجنين "ببطنها" في ظلمة الأحشاء بغير تمقلِ
    يا من يرى
    و يرى مكان الوطء من "أقدامها " في سيرها و حثيثها المستعجل
    و يرى و يسمع حس ما هو دونها في قاع بحر مظلمٍ متهول
    أمنن علي بتوبة تمحوا بها ما كان مني في الزمان الأول
    يا من يرى ماكان مني في الزمان لأولي (×2)
    يا من يرى



    19-Sep-2019 2:37 pm

    19-Sep-2019 4:14 pm

    News : "শ্যামল elected to lead ছাত্রদল।"

    And I was just shocked!

    Then read details inside, ... "ইকবাল হোসেন শ্যামল"...

    I said oh! :V

    19-Sep-2019 4:14 pm

    19-Sep-2019 5:35 pm

    Like the man being freed from prison after 30 years.
    For a crime he believes he had nothing to do with.

    For 10 years he was raged
    Then grieved another 10
    And then wondered "why?"

    Right now, it's just melancholy.

    19-Sep-2019 5:35 pm

    19-Sep-2019 7:08 pm

    News : PM flying over to USA for 8 days UN summit.

    If I could, I would have stood on the road for the farewell.

    19-Sep-2019 7:08 pm

    19-Sep-2019 10:09 pm

    "The war was lost
    The treaty signed
    There's truth that lives
    And truth that dies
    I don't know which
    So never mind."

    19-Sep-2019 10:09 pm

    20-Sep-2019 4:35 am

    DSE at 4800. This possibly will now be the new norm. Down from 5200 which was the previous norm until two weeks back.

    20-Sep-2019 4:35 am

    20-Sep-2019 5:59 am

    Today I learned : তপন চৌধুরি, the most popular singer from the 80s is still alive. And still making music. How he looks now is in the news article bellow. Grown some gray hair and has picked up a bit more fat. But no radical change I guess. And I thought he retired from "Souls" his band decades ago and should have been dead by now.

    I wasn't his fan, but everyone around me at that time was.

    20-Sep-2019 5:59 am

    20-Sep-2019 3:12 pm

    With the rise of ultra rights everywhere one would assume Netanyahu will win the election with flying numbers, right?

    Wrong. He himself thought that would happen too, but it didn't. He lost. The winner in Israel are the seculars. Netanyahu was far leaning towards the ultra orthodox jews, that want to build the temple. But apparently most of the Israelis don't -- surprise.

    So will there be a new one on that chair now? How will that affect the war drums with Iran? Keep watching.

    20-Sep-2019 3:12 pm

    20-Sep-2019 7:59 pm

    Had to get a new pair of shoes. Counting to see how many days this one lasts.

    • Right. That needs to be worked on. Or investigated.

    20-Sep-2019 7:59 pm

    21-Sep-2019 6:17 am

  • Uprise in Egypt. First since the massacre that killed 900 on a single day years back. Protest against Sisi in every city.

    - Demonstration in Syria too. Wondering if other states will join in.

    - India-PK border war has turned intense in the last 24 hours.

    - USA starts deployment of troops and battleships in the gulf.

    But above all, watch Egypt. As the downfall should start from there.

    21-Sep-2019 6:17 am

  • 21-Sep-2019 6:35 am

    We are now watching Trump-Russia saga episode 2. This time Trump ordered Ukraine president to investigate his political opponent and withheld USA grant money to force him to do so.

    Very bold step as if Trump didn't learn anything from the first one.

    21-Sep-2019 6:35 am

    21-Sep-2019 1:55 pm

    Revolting against the rulers :

    Follows Islamic stand on this issue by every group :

    || Salafi-Madkhali

    All revolt, procession, demonstration, opposition or protest against the ruler is strongly forbidden and a grave sin. We should support the ruler even if he is an oppressor, but dislike his works of oppression, not him. And continue to co-operate and obey him in all other ways that aren't forbidden in Islam.

    || Hanafi-Dewbondi

    You can revolt against a ruler only when you have a chance of winning, and only if it benefits the community without any harm on themselves. And one should not engage in any anti government activity that puts him or his family in danger.

    || Ikhwani-Jamat

    It's one's duty to protest the bad deeds of the rulers and anyone that declines to protest is in sin. And it's obligatory for the people to establish the religion of Islam in government and state because that's the gist of this religion. But this should be done in conventional way through election and procession, and not with arms.

    || Jihadi

    Any ruler who breaks the order of Allah in judgment and justice has himself turned non-muslim, including everyone that support him. And they must be fought against with arms. Any muslim who refuses to consider these rulers as non-muslim are themselves "murjia", i.e another type of non-muslim themselves.

    21-Sep-2019 1:55 pm

    21-Sep-2019 3:47 pm

    Anyone that thinks an umbrella is overrated as a weapon [as in Kingsman] should view this picture series posted by Bloomberg on how HK protesters use umbrellas as their primary weapon. And this is another thing that you might want to add to your survival stash before the upcoming meltdown. :V

    Link in comment.

    21-Sep-2019 3:47 pm

    21-Sep-2019 7:58 pm

    Denmark's bank has lowered it's negative interest rate further lower. Now to -0.75%. That's minus point seven five.

    You have to pay the bank more if you wish to deposit money. And Bank will happily pay you more if you wish to take a loan from the bank.

    21-Sep-2019 7:58 pm

    21-Sep-2019 8:09 pm

    Assumed stocks outperform bonds in the long run? Research paper shows that EVEN for USA market, one would be getting better return buying treasury bonds rather than buy-and-hold stocks. Even if he buys the month long bonds, and compares it with with best performing stocks.

    Well, right now I don't know what I had been hearing about so long.

    21-Sep-2019 8:09 pm

    21-Sep-2019 11:17 pm

    The maximum time limit for middle east to flare up is the time Iran needs to build their bomb. As by then the allies have to bomb Iran anyway.

    Right now the situation is tense. But might not roll out to war. When the time is ripe you would know it beforehand watching war machine concentration.

    The world right now is in a stand still. Both sides know the consequences and they are working hard to figure out a way that will work. How much that works is something to be seen.

    Note that nothing of these would have been possible, had Trump stuck to Obama's agreement.

    So how much time would Iran need to make the bomb? A few days ago Iran declared it's purifying U235 to 20%. That's the threshold after which purifying speed boosts up rapidly. And Iran said it can build a million centrifugal machines if necessary. Pre-contract it had 30,000.

    I would give it two more years.

    21-Sep-2019 11:17 pm

    22-Sep-2019 11:39 am

    News : Rambo released Last Blood.

    I was in high school when First Blood was released. Brings back so much memory.

    And now 40 years later, he still lives on. Maybe steroid won't grow any more muscle. But VFX is here to replace it.

    22-Sep-2019 11:39 am

    22-Sep-2019 12:42 pm

    Daniel Haqiqatjou - islamic activist and social media warrior. For long his writing was the one I could identify with and agree most.

    But then the differences he attacked started to become shorter and shorter. And now I can hardly agree with his emotion. Lastly he ended up flaming something that doesn't seem to me that much a big issue anyway.

    The lesson here is when you are fighting against those who you deem wrong or you start to give dawah, you need to pause or stop at some moment and think only about yourself. That's the way you can hope to stay on path, and save yourself too.

    For some people, specially the ones that God love, He Himself makes that happen for them. Think of Dr. Zakir Naik now. Getting silent after one's time up isn't a curse, it's a bless. Those that can't stop, end up somewhere unexpected. Like creating enmity with people he thought he was actually defending.

    The other thing to learn is : Don't monetize your dawah. If you do, you will find it hard to stop when you need to, as giving dawah is now your job for a earning.

    As the saying goes : you either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. Which is why Islamic idols and icons die early. Just when they have finished the job they were supposed to carry on. No one's job is too important to keep it running for long -- regardless of what he believes.

    God is there to take care of the rest.

    • The only reason I didn't mention the topic in the post was not to discuss it. Deleting my answer above.
    • I didn't mention that issue here, to save ourselves from getting immersed into it.
    • ^ dream on.

    22-Sep-2019 12:42 pm

    22-Sep-2019 4:07 pm

    How much of a Muslim are the Shias?

    As the confrontation between Saudi/UAE vs Iran is on the horizon, this is the new question rising in the coming days.

    Ravaging war against muslims are forbidden, and even if someone justifies it bringing in exceptions, that won't bring in peace of mind for the warriors, and frequently they end up repenting their actions later, or having a void mind to forget it all.

    For this we need to look beyond propaganda. Beyond the contemporary talks that rose after this issue came forward. And our big-bros' scissor cut quotation would be the worst place to look for it, as like giving in to online bullies that would push you to take one stand or the other as per his party's wish.


    22-Sep-2019 4:07 pm

    22-Sep-2019 5:38 pm

    More proof we are living in the future. I used to read about these types of responses in "Future World" articles in magazines 30 years back.
    It talks about someone who fell off his bicycle and went senseless in a bare land.

    His apple watch called 911 medical emergency automatically with location and also informed his son.

    His son arrived to find ambulance already picked him up and left.

    Apple watch informed his son where he is right now.

    This post had an attachment, which is now missing
    • Congrats for all the good deeds. That was a lot of hard work that paid off. All best wishes for the future.
    • but... but... i thought, no one will notice it's from batman.

    22-Sep-2019 5:38 pm

    22-Sep-2019 11:05 pm

    ছোট বেলায় আমি ছিলাম মোহামেডানের সাপোর্টার। তাই আবাহনি ওয়ালারা এখন দূরে থাকতে পারেন। ঢাকা স্টেডিয়ামে ফুটবল খেলা হতো সারা বছর ১৬ টা দলের মাঝে। বাকি দলগুলোর কয়েকটা ছিলো আরামবাগ, ফকিরাপুল, ব্রাদার্স ইউনিয়ন। এর মাঝে ব্রাদার্সের সাপোর্টার ছিলো দুই একজন। বাকিগুলোর কোনো সাপোর্টার ছিলো না।

    ভালো লাগলো জেনে যে সেই হারানো ক্লাবগুলো এখনো আছে। এবং গত কয়েক দিনে পত্রিকায় সেই আদি ক্লাবগুলোর নাম আসছে।

    তবে তারা আর ফুটবল খেলে না। অন্য কিছু খেলে। :V

    • শেখ জামাল অনেক পরে এসেছে। সম্ভবতঃ ৯০ এর পরে। কিন্তু ক্রেজটা ছিলো ৮০ এর দশক পর্যন্ত। ঐ সময় পর্যন্ত খেলার পরে সাপোর্টারদের মারামারি-রায়ট করা ছিলো ট্রেন্ড।

    22-Sep-2019 11:05 pm

    23-Sep-2019 12:00 am

    Lutfur Farazi vai getting concerned that the top heads leading the Deobandi teachings are diverting from their path. And because of the strong hierarchy that this school follows, things are getting complicated. Link in comment.

    I am reading these types of frustration getting expressed by other scholars in this school too. Indicating some dark times ahead.

    I wish to post some "ways to defend yourself in the upcoming confusions" type of post within a few days, if Allah wills.

    • https://www.facebook.com/lrfarazi/posts/2713504118684527

    23-Sep-2019 12:00 am

    23-Sep-2019 6:26 am

    All bad news for Saudi cash cows :

    Restoring damaged oil infrastructure will take months, and can't be done by the end of this month as previously declared.

    Saudi has informed its largest oil importer Japan of disruption, and Japan is now looking elsewhere.

    Saudi's Vision Fund is in trouble. No new investment will be made for the next 12 months.

    And whatever investment the fund made previously is also in sinkhole. It invested $10B on WeWorks at $40B valuation. Valuation dropped bellow $1B, and criminal charges are being investigated against WeWorks. Other investment like Uber, Slack all are trading bellow IPO.

    As if it was that easy to make money off investment. Wondering what Saudi will be doing with its Aramco IPO cash.

    23-Sep-2019 6:26 am

    23-Sep-2019 11:18 am

    Gambling - talks of the first two persons are informative. How one lost 10 million taka and the second one sold every one of his 40 shops and still is deep in debt.

    I blame lack of faith and lack of knowledge. But you can't expect everyone from a population to be educated on these complex matters and be able to comprehend those. Herein comes the requirement that the government should save the foolish from foolishness.

    When the government fails you, as in our case, it becomes individual's duty to know it and save himself from these traps.

    This post had an attachment, which is now missing
    • How did the one that lost 10 million, gained that money in the first place? Possibly from drug dealing, or some illegal way.

    23-Sep-2019 11:18 am

    23-Sep-2019 11:34 am

    "" They ask you about wine and gambling. Say, "In them is great sin and benefit for people. But their sin is greater than their benefit." -- Quran, sura Baqara.

    That's the core message. Don't deny the benefit. There is as said by Allah. But let not their highlighted benefit make you fall in their trap.

    The road to Allah is full of traps. One need to walk extremely carefully saving himself from every one of those.

    What if I ignore the message and happily wish to fall in a trap and stay there? Well the world will not be here forever. And more than that you won't be here forever. Our destination is either heaven or hell -- that's forever.

    May God save us all.

    23-Sep-2019 11:34 am

    23-Sep-2019 7:17 pm

    The city.

    The yellow building is our office.

    Deep quotation found in office dinning.

    The back street toward office.

    Azad mosque, Gulshan.



    23-Sep-2019 7:17 pm

    23-Sep-2019 9:07 pm

    Looks like "serverless" hype is drying up like NoSQL, Hierarchical Database or SPA hypes before it. Link in comment.

    Serverless is neither cheaper, nor faster -- unlike what people believed.

    The basics still live on, though.

    23-Sep-2019 9:07 pm

    23-Sep-2019 10:27 pm

    "সেদিন দেখি একজনে ইনবক্স করেছে, সেখানে আমাকে সম্বোধন করেছে "শাইখ" বলে! কী আস্তাগফেরুল্লাহ টাইপের অবস্থা! আমি তখন কোনো একটা মুভি দেখছিলাম, মাত্রই নায়ক-নায়িকার একটা ঘনিষ্ঠ সীন পর্দায় এসে হাজির হয়েছে, এমন সময় টুং করে ম্যাসেজের শব্দ শুনে তাকিয়ে দেখি আমি নাকি "শাইখ"!" - Toha vai.

    Me ROFL.

    • https://www.facebook.com/mozammelhossain.toha/posts/2626731047549950

    23-Sep-2019 10:27 pm

    23-Sep-2019 10:56 pm

    Apple's $5/month game service was too nice for others to not copy. And well, Google did just that. Released "Play Pass". At $5/month you can run all the paid apps that it covers. Right now it's 350 apps, but will increase over time.

    This model sounds so nice, that I guess pretty quickly it might turn out to be the future. Pay $5/month and you don't have to buy any app again. App developers will also have better return as people as a whole are now paying more.

    23-Sep-2019 10:56 pm

    23-Sep-2019 11:16 pm

    Double 8 km walk. Basically walked to office, and then returned walking. The distance both ways being exactly 8 km.

    The last time I did such was when I was young and didn't have the money to pay the fare for the ride. Walked up to Banani to face a job interview and then returned walking. Empty pocket. A shoe on hand while I returned, as it was torn midway. But still happy. As I had a joining date.

    Time flies, and I still remember that single day. The hard days in your life aren't your bad days. Looking back I see those as most memorable ones. The bad days now are when I misbehaved with someone, or hurt my parents or betrayed someone.

    On the day of judgement one won't have to open his book-of-deeds to figure out which of the works that he was confused with were good and which one was bad. He will just know it in his heart.

    May Allah forgive us all.

    23-Sep-2019 11:16 pm

    24-Sep-2019 4:21 am

    Seemingly Netanyahu will survive as Israeli PM. His survival is important, as we need a hawkish man as the leader of Israel and not some moderate liberal, for things to run more predictably.

    Predictability is the key. No one likes an unpredictable situation does he?

    The news is, as none of the big two coalitions could form government, Netanyahu made an agreement with the opposition that they both will rule for 2 years each. Then the question, who rules first?

    And watching how far this man has come, we can predict he will be able to cross rest of the road too, and is here as PM for some more time to come.

    Keep watching.

    24-Sep-2019 4:21 am

    24-Sep-2019 7:55 pm

    24-Sep-2019 9:01 pm

    Found a military truck full of armies parked outside on the main road as I walked by, and I stopped to take a breath.

    Generally that's nothing. But these are dark times.

    24-Sep-2019 9:01 pm

    24-Sep-2019 11:35 pm

    "শেখ হাসিনা নিজগুণে মানুষের মন জয় করে নিয়েছেন, তাঁর মৃত্যু নেই" - Obaidul Kader.

    Indeed. We know. And agree.

    But... but... why were you telling that to us, again?

    24-Sep-2019 11:35 pm

    25-Sep-2019 6:05 am

    It's hard to believe this is not some special effect scene or a man acting inside a suite. Someone please stop the rise of the machines. Where is Sarah Conner when we need her?
    This post had an attachment, which is now missing
    • They might ask for their rights, fight for their rights and finally obtain freedom. Then we would have a new problem to worry about.

      // kidding.

    25-Sep-2019 6:05 am

    25-Sep-2019 6:44 am

    Events will roll out as... well, as predestination was written. We have no idea what it was, but that doesn't prevent us from assuming anyway.

    And like how Netanyahu is staying as the PM even after his party lost, Trump is here to stay no matter how hard Dems try to throw him out.

    My assumption, this latest impeachment procedure will turn out to be as much void as the first Russian investigation, but it will have the side effect of boosting up his popularity further and thus win him the second term, which until now seemed quite unlikely.

    His support within the republicans stands at a staggering 94%, that's what actually counts.

    Keep watching.

    25-Sep-2019 6:44 am

    25-Sep-2019 8:07 am

    It was just a 5.6 mag earthquake in Pakistan, and yet 23 are dead. And that's near Pakistan part of Kashmir. And previously I didn't consider quakes bellow 6.4 as newsworthy.

    But depth, location and angle of quake matters. And we don't know the details.

    25-Sep-2019 8:07 am

    25-Sep-2019 12:22 pm

    Xiaomi releases Mi Max Alpha. This isn't only "curved on the edge phone", rather the display runs all the way on the back joining the other side and thus making 360 degree of the phones surface a single display.

    Wait for a few days to be available in BD and to get to know the price. The future is here.

    This post had an attachment, which is now missing
    • Salute.

    25-Sep-2019 12:22 pm

    25-Sep-2019 2:13 pm

    Oilprice .com has an interesting article.

    - The new MbS's brother oil minister, who joined a few weeks ago said, Saudi capacity will recover by the end of September, i.e. next few days.

    - Experts say after damage of this size, it will take end of Sep only to assess the damages, let alone plan or repair.

    - But Saudi can't show production cut, because "the King has already spoken".

    - So it's looking to buy Iraqi oil and sell those to customers to make it look like the supply line is uninterrupted.

    - And here's the twist : Iran actually smuggles its oil to Iraq and sell it from there to bypass USA sanctions.

    - Thus Saudi for some time to come will be the proxy for selling Iranian oil. :V :V :V

    25-Sep-2019 2:13 pm

    25-Sep-2019 9:08 pm

    Most of everyone from that time still remember these events. The procession, protest and demands.

    The thing not said in the following note is that Humayun Ahmed had to change his script because of public demand in ways that he didn't want to. The change was : in the end the villain was killed by the sidekick. He later said in an interview "I hated adding that last scene. In real life, villains walk away without any harm or justice, and I wanted to put it that way. But had to do it because I was pressed for something. To show some justice."

    As usual, I didn't watch any of those. Not a single episode of this long running popular series. But know those as like how everyone does, because those were so big events. Everyone was talking about those and newspapers were all covering it.

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    25-Sep-2019 9:08 pm

    25-Sep-2019 9:17 pm

    And to add, I don't watch movies. Did when I was young but no longer. Though can quote a lot because of all the meme on the net. And because everyone discusses the popular things. And because of all the news that cover those. And because some of the popular scenes are on youtube.

    And when I do want to learn the details, I do it by reading the spoiler. Previously there were spoilers sites which I used to visit. But now one can just visit wikipedia and read the "Plot" section to learn it all.

    Which is why I can comment on movies from the 80s pretty perfectly. Cause that's the time when I used to watch. But can't from Avengers or Thanos -- don't watch anymore.

    Link to one of my detail movie review, which I actually never watched.


    Let not these misguide any of us.

    25-Sep-2019 9:17 pm

    26-Sep-2019 6:43 am

    Current crackdown : It's not the corruption, it's the conflict.

    For me, the only noticeable point on the ongoing crackdown in BD isn't about how corrupt everyone in power is, we all knew of it all the time minus the party blinds. Rather these indicate that there's an on going conflict within the party which is bringing down the rebels by choosing to expose their corruption.

    News of this civil war is important as this is an indicator of an upcoming collapse. Every powerful regime in history fell neither because of their corruption, nor for their ruthlessness or their tyranny -- but fell because of their internal conflict.

    The conflict being the first sign of a downfall.

    26-Sep-2019 6:43 am

    26-Sep-2019 12:38 pm

    News : প্রধানমন্ত্রী ও আওয়ামী লীগ সভাপতি শেখ হাসিনা বলেন, "আমি ও রেহানা আমাদের জাকাতের টাকা আঞ্জুমান মুফিদুল ইসলামকে দিই। আর সেখানে সম্রাট চাঁদা দাবি করে! তার কত সাহস। সে কি মরবে না?"

    Which part of this news do you find interesting? I find only the last line.

    26-Sep-2019 12:38 pm

    26-Sep-2019 2:18 pm

    Question #2354 : "Dear Shaikh, I am a war lord in Afghanistan's province of Idrib. And my goons extort money from local businesses. Now I pay Jakat, you know the yearly charity money that Muslims must pay, to an organization called Al-Islam. And as soon as I pay there, my goons grab it from them, and send it back to me. Is my Jakat valid?"

    Don't know, neither do I care. I only have to answer for myself on the day of judgement.

    26-Sep-2019 2:18 pm

    26-Sep-2019 3:32 pm

    Spring is coming :

    || It's the weather

    Don't know, for at least a month now I am feeling like early spring has arrived in BD. Even though it isn't still winter in here. But the temperature, the breeze, the sunshine, the silence, the feeling and the vibe in the air -- all give me a feeling like it's already spring. And this spring might last for 6 months.

    || Time for reckoning

    There's a time, when one has a freedom to do anything one wishes. And then a time for reckoning. When you reap what you sow. Today's news, MbS says he takes responsibility for Khashoggi's killing because it happened "under his watch”. With Saudi in shambles it's time for reckoning. And everywhere I look, every person, every man in power, including myself, I see all facing the consequences for their deeds in exactly the same time.

    Call of the time, that turns pages slowly but surely, one after one.

    || "Fitna" is almost over

    How many argument on Facebook do you see now on Hanafi-Salafi, Ashari-Athari? Everyone is tired, everyone knows the point, everyone now more accepting of the opposite. Middle east war is almost over, and one of the sides lost. The fitna that's supposed to run for 12 years has ran its course and is on the edge.

    The winner is the one that didn't look at these and were busy with his prayers at his home. He received the rewards of a hundred martyrs.

    And the losers are those that felt and acted like they were "warriors of justice."

    || The next decade

    The new Fitna won't be over confusion and smoke, but will be over power and greed. Run by state troops, larger, far more wider, more intense and far more damaging.

    But before that, we are getting on hand our result sheets of the past.

    • কান্না চলে আসছে। দোয়া করি.... দোয়া করি যেন....

    26-Sep-2019 3:32 pm

    27-Sep-2019 6:29 am

    The war was lost
    The treaty signed
    I was not caught
    I crossed the line
    I was not caught
    Though many tried
    I live among you

    There's truth that lives
    And truth that dies
    I don't know which
    So never mind

    I could not kill
    The way you kill
    I could not hate
    I tried, I failed
    You turned me in
    At least you tried
    You side with them, whom
    You despise

    You serve them well
    I'm not surprised
    You're of their kin
    You're of their kind

    The story's told
    With facts and lies
    You own the world
    So never mind

    -- "Nevermind"

    27-Sep-2019 6:29 am

    27-Sep-2019 6:47 am

    The Saudis waited for instruction from Trump. He said wait, I have a possible meeting with Ruhani. Ruhani declined the meeting in this UN summit.

    Now that Trump's hope is over, the signal has been sent "you can go for war". Which raises the big question -- actually who goes to war?

    Saudis want "the world" to go to war. "It's an attack on the world."

    USA wants the Saudis to go to war. "It's your problem."

    And Israel wants the USA to go to war.

    We need to solve this problem first, if we want to see war :V

    Early this year MbS asked French war analysts on whether a Normandy like coastal invasion by Saudi forces on Iran was possible. And the analysts laughed it off, calling it mad. Now you don't need any analyst to realize it after Aramco attack.

    But won't we see any war? We shall, just wait for it.

    27-Sep-2019 6:47 am

    27-Sep-2019 2:54 pm

    The city.

    Bitul Mukarram, the largest mosque in Dhaka before Jumma, today. This is the outside yard. The inside was full as I entered.

    "Dainik Bangla" area. This was the location of the office of a daily news paper that used to be published when I was young. It has long since stopped, and the office closed. But the area is still being called by that old news paper's name.



    Night view.

    You can see this notice in front of every mosque in the city. Every one in our area. Informing on the signs of extremism and where and how to report.

    Though I never have found time to read it yet.

    This one costs Tk. 190.

    27-Sep-2019 2:54 pm

    27-Sep-2019 5:32 pm

    How to be a martyr without joining any questionable ideological group : defend your family and property with your life. And no, the popular saying that it's obligatory for a man to save his life by handing over his wealth to robbers -- isn't true. The corresponding hadith in comment.
    This post had an attachment, which is now missing
    • O Messenger of Allah, what do you say if a person tries to take my money?

      Don't give him your money!

      What if he fights me?

      Fight him!

      What if he kills me?

      You are a martyr!

      What if I end up killing him?

      He is in Hell!

      [Sahih Muslim]

    • ^ collected. haven't checked where in Muslim. But have read this hadith a lot of times be it in Sahi Muslim or somewhere else.

    27-Sep-2019 5:32 pm

    27-Sep-2019 11:11 pm

    Greta Thunberg the kid that shock the world with her climate change speech in UN. And I have no idea why people are mocking her.

    And they are finding similarity with "I, Pet Goat" conspiracy film?

    27-Sep-2019 11:11 pm

    28-Sep-2019 12:08 pm

    Another danger of homeopathic :

    News : Six dead in BD, drinking spirit from a homeopathic pharmacy. Another six hospitalized, and probably will go blind or have an organ failure.

    Generally the spirit used in homeopathic pharmacies should have been ethyl alcohol. But it costs more, so they substitute it with methyl alcohol, which is cheaper, but deadly toxic as expressed in the news.

    This most likely happens at most of the homeopathic pharmacies around us where we and our kids visit. That doesn't kill us outright for the small amount we drink with medicine. But hurt our organs in the long run.

    Would like to add how useless homeopathic is, but let's not hurt the believer's feeling here. But this risk is real and you won't be able to figure out which one is toxic.

    Better : tell the doctor to dissolve the medicine in water instead of spirit. You will be safer. That's a good option that doctors happily agree.

    28-Sep-2019 12:08 pm

    28-Sep-2019 2:08 pm

    Afghan Election and Talibans :

    Election is running today.

    Now Talibans have rejected the election and is not participating in it. -- ok.

    There might be bomb attack on some of the pooling stations carried out by some groups from Talibans. -- understandable.

    The thing I shall be looking for is whether Taliban's top leaders take responsibility for the attacks and support it or not.

    Because if they do, the difference between pakistans TTP and afghans Talibans will shrink further in my eyes.

    Big time -- check who is killing whom in the name of ideology. That will indicate a lot on who runs the future.

    • I don't know squat about ideologies and am the last man eager to know those. I figure out who's good vs who's bad by watching who kills whom for what.

    28-Sep-2019 2:08 pm

    28-Sep-2019 10:16 pm

    Houthis big win :

    Yemen's Houthis have captured Saudi's Najaran city completely. Unlike previous attacks this isn't a "make a single attack and cheer" scenario. Rather total and complete defeat on the saudi side and houthis have more or less captured the city.

    Houthis report : 900 saudi military personals have been captured, and 7000 hostages taken, which includes high ranking saudi officials. You will be receiving more news shortly.

    Time for reckoning. Watch how many fronts the saudis can fight now. This was a complete Saudi's start of war and Yamenies didn't ask for it. MbS thought he could win it easily, because of how poor Yemen is within the arab states.

    That didn't happen. Now face the music.

    28-Sep-2019 10:16 pm

    29-Sep-2019 4:54 am

    What DevOps mean these days, small points written by someone who attended a two days workshop on devops. Link in comment.

    paste ____
    DevOps is Ops with new tools. I went to DevOpsDays thinking DevOps means developers and operations merged into one team. I was wrong.

    I did not meet or hear from any developers. It was a gathering of system administrators who use version control, and write a lot of YAML. Programming languages were not a topic; I heard Python mentioned once in passing, that’s it.

    DevOps means the veteran admins had to check in their personal scripts, and everyone is expected to automate more things. They relate to the software their business runs (“app”, “asset”) the way a merchant-navy captain relates to what’s in the containers on his ship.

    AWS is king. Whenever a hosting provider was mentioned, it was AWS. It was usually mentioned as if it was a basic understanding that we’re both on AWS. Google Cloud was a sponsor but didn’t otherwise get mentioned, Digital Ocean was mentioned once, and one of my lunch tables had someone who uses Azure. Otherwise it was all AWS.

    Slack is king. “Chatops” is big. Being a gathering of system administrators I’d expected more IRC, there was no mention of it.

    Everyone hates YAML. Everyone writes a lot of YAML.

    On-call / incident-response is a big part of the DevOps job, and several of the sessions focused solely on that. As a result they also talk about mental health more than programmers do.

    Cloud monitoring is a saturated market. Maybe half the vendors/sponsors were cloud monitoring (i.e. Prometheus competitors), although most of them called it something else.

    Kubernetes, Terraform, Ansible and Packer were the tools I heard mentioned the most, in that order. Prometheus was popular for monitoring, but many (most?) used a vendor, such as Datadog.

    The most common job title seemed to be SRE (Site Reliability Engineer), although there was a long tail, and they don’t care much about job titles.

    Many were curious about service-meshes (basically a smart network proxy?) such as Istio or Linkerd, but almost none were using one.

    The consensus on how software releases happen is that your CI/CD pipeline builds and tests the “asset” resulting in a Docker container, which is they deployed in a blue-green fashion using either Kubernetes or Terraform. The existence of a CI/CD pipeline that produces a Docker container was assumed in most conversations I had. Everyone loves containers.

    PDX DevOpsDays was one of the best run conferences I’ve been to (MC Alice Goldfuss was phenomenal), and probably the one I learnt the most at. A++++ would conference again.

    29-Sep-2019 4:54 am

    29-Sep-2019 2:28 pm

    General Abdulaziz, he was the main royal guard of King Salman, MbS's father. He was removed from his post few days ago and shot and killed today.

    29-Sep-2019 2:28 pm

    29-Sep-2019 10:38 pm

    Standing in the shoes [or boots, if you are a nitpicker] of a Saudi soldier, I would have been the most demoralized one to fight now.

    It's no longer about protecting the holy cites, or protecting the king, or protecting the land. The way the Saudis have abandoned the three brigades that have fallen to Huthis make this even worst. It's clear that my commanders won't protect me even if I protect them with life.

    The royal family want mercenaries as in Gulf 91. But there's no one around now to fight for them for money. And I thought the first gulf war would have been a large enough warning for them to build a strong army. That never happened. Maybe they were scared of coups that strong armies bring in, who knows.

    But the fright that the Saudis are strong, is now gone. That they are sacred and should be respected are gone. They now look so weak and vulnerably.

    Remember the extortion of money from the businessmen? Hariri's forced resignation? Khashoggi's murger? The young king has possibly learnt a lot by now. But it's too late.

    God save the Ummah.

    29-Sep-2019 10:38 pm

    29-Sep-2019 11:06 pm

    And the huge fire that had engulfed the high speed train station in Jeddah today. The size, the timing and the spot of the fire everything is a mystery. Maybe this is another of those big event that's giving off slowly.
    • //
    • Fire continues at night.
    • The building is lost.
    • Royal family on high alert.

      And note that the bodyguard being killed today was also in Jeddah.

    • //
    • Whole station is now lost. It was a brand new one.
    • Smoke has covered the whole city. Can now be seen from space.

    29-Sep-2019 11:06 pm

    30-Sep-2019 11:50 am

    In BD, as banks can now legally not pay you your money which you deposited, people are keeping their money in vaults or buying assets. And as people are keeping their money in vaults, banks now can't pay you even more. -- says news. The cycle.

    Some form of trust needs to exist in the society for business to operate. It's diminishing.

    30-Sep-2019 11:50 am