Post# 1567301390

1-Sep-2019 7:29 am

I don't walk 15 km per day. Rather regular walk is 8 km [ 5 miles ].

The thing to watch is heart rate. This walk was at 11 min / km pace. Heart rate was within 130 for most of the walk.

Previously made a 4 km walk at 8 min / km pace, which is very fast and at the speed that I used to walk at when I was younger, rate jumped to 170, which should have been my max.

Maybe I am too much focused on all these devices and heart rates, and would have been better off not knowing or caring any of these. As they say ignorance is bliss.

And you don't need all these devices and hand bands to measure your heart rate anyway. Check the frequency of your breath and that will tell your heart rate. Panting? You have reached max heart rate and suffering Oxygen lag.

  • Bata, North Star. Loafer shoe, no lace. Size 10.

1-Sep-2019 7:29 am
