Post# 1567613428

4-Sep-2019 10:10 pm

Iran war :

The strike on Iran might be carried out by Israel, instead of USA. But it's inevitable. Will happen. Most likely earlier instead of later. Reports NYT today.

But none of these mean Iran will retaliate. It might choose to simply file a complaint under UN and be done with it.

Reminds me of Israeli fighter's raid and bombing of Saddam's nuclear reactor in Iraq in 1981. The fighters traveled over Jordanian and Saudi airspace to reach near Baghdad, bombed the reactors and returned. Iraq though raged, couldn't do anything.

The video of that bombing was played so many times on TV at that time, that I still remember it.

So what's the lesson here? The nation that God wants to win will continue to win for as long as He wishes them to win.

We wait, eyes on the sky.

  • মিশরিরা শাফি। যেখানে দাড়ি রাখার গুরুত্ব হানাফিদের থেকে কম। একারনে একই রকম মালয়শিয়াতেও দেখা যায় যারা শাফি।

4-Sep-2019 10:10 pm
