Post# 1568216584

11-Sep-2019 9:43 pm

Day trading is another zero sum game that people believe they *should* be making a profit but don't and then only blame themselves or their luck.

This is in stark contrast to what we knew 20 years back. Then it was said : Sell before peak, buy before rise and you will get rich soon. Until it was shown that there is no way one can predict when the market will go up or down.

As a solution they introduced funds managed by smart investors, that *knew* which share to buy and sell. Until it was shown none of them did better than the market index.

Even worse : as you need to provide these smart chaps with a big cut of your profit for their useless advice, you earn less.

Introduced computer algorithm, surely some kind of math can predict the market? Until it was shown that none of them works no matter how much data from the world you feed it.

Then everybody jumped to index fund. Which did better as there's no cut for the big head -- the market wolfs.

Then it was shown you don't actually need someone to tell you what an index fund is either. Just buy some random share tossing coin over the air and you will do just as good as the index fund.

And today's news : Scientific research shows it's impossible to make a living from day trading. :V :V

20 years and people I thought were the smartest wolf in the streets -- are just puff in the air.

Work hard and build something real that makes peoples life easier. That's the secret sauces to success.

11-Sep-2019 9:43 pm
