Post# 1568315645

13-Sep-2019 1:14 am

Timeline : Movements

Summarizing the timeline of the history that I lived through. Which movement was at its peak at which era that I have witnessed.

|| 70s : Communist

It was the communists all over the world. I could hardly understand politics at that age. But saw the leftovers from that decade in the 80s. Most of all islamic movements at that era also revolved around communism. Think of Maolana Vashani in BD, and how popular he was. Communism lost it's charm by the end of this decade and was mostly eradicated by 90 after the fall of USSR, modern Russia.

|| 80s : Shibir

Branch of Ikhwan movement from Egypt. It rose in popularity in the 80s. And at that time most of all islamist students in BD varsities were involved with Shibir. There were no second movement that I knew of then. Popularity started to dwindle by the end of that decade.

|| 90s : Tablig

Popularity of the Tablig movement within the students rose in the 90s. This was the peak. There was a separate student branch and they were mainly leading it. The student branch was closed by the end of this decade and the work faced stalemate by 2010.

|| 2000 : Hijbut Tahrir

This was the time that it took off within the varsity students in BD. It was replacing Shibir, and most of the people you know that support HT are from this genre. It ended by the end of this decade when it was declared illegal, and faced hard government crack down.

|| 2010 : Jihadi

Gained popularity in this decade and replaced HT. These were all basically underground team. But divided in a bunch of fractions each lead by a local leader. They passed their zenith after their corresponding groups lost in the middle east wars.

|| Now

We are watching the future to see what's next.


13-Sep-2019 1:14 am
