Post# 1569775118

29-Sep-2019 10:38 pm

Standing in the shoes [or boots, if you are a nitpicker] of a Saudi soldier, I would have been the most demoralized one to fight now.

It's no longer about protecting the holy cites, or protecting the king, or protecting the land. The way the Saudis have abandoned the three brigades that have fallen to Huthis make this even worst. It's clear that my commanders won't protect me even if I protect them with life.

The royal family want mercenaries as in Gulf 91. But there's no one around now to fight for them for money. And I thought the first gulf war would have been a large enough warning for them to build a strong army. That never happened. Maybe they were scared of coups that strong armies bring in, who knows.

But the fright that the Saudis are strong, is now gone. That they are sacred and should be respected are gone. They now look so weak and vulnerably.

Remember the extortion of money from the businessmen? Hariri's forced resignation? Khashoggi's murger? The young king has possibly learnt a lot by now. But it's too late.

God save the Ummah.

29-Sep-2019 10:38 pm
