Facebook Posts - October 2019

1-Oct-2019 2:12 pm

Fear not, they said.
India isn't our enemy, they said.
And opening of Farakka barrage won't harm us, they said.

Keep watching.

1-Oct-2019 2:12 pm

2-Oct-2019 7:45 pm

News : "প্রধানমন্ত্রীর স্বাস্থ্যের খোঁজ নিতে ইমরান খানের টেলিফোন"

And my eyes are in tears. Long live Imran Khan, who keeps better news of her health then any of us ever. -- apparently.

2-Oct-2019 7:45 pm

2-Oct-2019 10:52 pm

Reached 8 km walk taking 3 minutes less than my average, which was 80 minutes. New milestone, and wasn't even panting.

Heart rate remains high. But that can be taken care of later, inshaAllah. :V

Why is the counter always exactly 8 km?

Cause I stop the counter as soon as it hits 8 km. And by that time I have finished the route almost exactly.

2-Oct-2019 10:52 pm

3-Oct-2019 2:10 am

So a cop ended her day's duty and returned to her apartment, entered it in the dark, found a black guy in her apartment, warned him and told him to get out, and when he didn't listen she shot him dead. Then she turned on the light, to discover she mistakenly entered the wrong apartment and her apartment was one floor above in this same location.

Crazy fiction? That's what happened last year. Link in comment.

The sunken feeling when you discover you just made a grave mistake.

3-Oct-2019 2:10 am

3-Oct-2019 11:11 am

A few astro physics news :

|| Planet X might be a black hole.

Planet X, the assumed planet that circles sun from 10 times distance of sun-pluto, might be a small black hole instead - scientists say. And if that's true, then the universe is full of small blackholes and we can substitute these blackholes for dark matter, the unfound substance that solves the puzzle of what holds the galaxies in place.

|| Four asteroids to pass earth today

One will pass at 40% distance of earth-moon and sized like a car. The others though larger will pass further than the moon and thus don't count. The thing is, all these were discovered at the last hour, and IF they were on a collision course, we won't had time to prepare.

|| Solar black spot at historic low.

Historic as in lowest in a hundred years. Resulting in cosmic rays hitting earth even more as sun's magnetic field deter those. Another article says its only a matter of time that a catastrophic solar mega storm will hit earth. This happens every 100 years.

Interestingly we are between fire and ice. Too less solar activity and we are hit by cosmic rays from space. Too much and we are hit by solar flare. A third article says this is one reason why life can't exist on other planets. There's a delicate balance which is an extremely rare phenomenon.

Earth is almost one of its kind.

  • corrected : why life *can't* exist on other planets

3-Oct-2019 11:11 am

3-Oct-2019 6:54 pm

News : "Internet cut down in Iraq as protest spread."

The take is that *if* things go wrong in BD, the first sign you might get is a cut down of the Internet, even before you get a news that something is wrong.

And *if* things go wrong, you can't mind your own business and continue with your work, as all business communication has to go through Internet.

Keep watching.

3-Oct-2019 6:54 pm

3-Oct-2019 7:01 pm

Barnie Sanders out as he has an heart attack. Not officially out, but unlikely to win nomination now.

And the contender from Dem most likely for the upcoming USA election will be Elizabeth Warren.

Which means Trump is on track for a second term, possibly.

3-Oct-2019 7:01 pm

4-Oct-2019 6:18 pm

"তবে কি এখন রওনা দিতে হবে?"
"হ্যা। যেতে হবে।"

হাশরের মাঠ। কিছু কিছু মানুষ উঠছে দুরে দুরে মাটির নিচ থেকে। অন্ধকারে বেশি দূরে দেখা যায় না। সব কেমন ছায়ার মতো।

"কত দূর?"
"আট হাজার কিলোমিটার।"

"এত দূর কিভাবে যাবো? কিছু আছে?"
"না। হাটতে হবে।"

"অনেক দিন লাগবে।"
"দুই-তিন বছর লাগবে যেতে। কিন্তু সমস্যা নেই, এখনো সময় আছে এক হাজার বছর।"

এখানে দাড়িয়ে থাকার কারন নেই। বিরান ভুমি। মৃত। কিছু নেই এখানে। সবাই হাটা ধরেছে মানুষের সেই বিশাল সমাবেশের দিকে। বিচারের মাঠের দিকে।

"কেউ কেউ যে বিশাল কালো বোঝা পিঠে তুলে ঝুকে যাচ্ছে, সেগুলো কি?"
"তাদের গুনাহ।"

কোনো দিকে হাটবো সেটা দেখানোর আর দরকার নেই। হাজার হাজার মানুষ হাটছে। সবাই এক দিকেই যাচ্ছে।

"দেরি হয়ে যাবে না? বিচার যদি আরম্ভ হয়ে যায়?"
"না। দেরি হবে না। সেই মাঠে গিয়ে পৌছানোর পরে আরো ৭০ বছর দাড়িয়ে অপেক্ষা করতে হবে ফিরিস্তারা আসার আগ পর্যন্ত।"

কিছু কিছু আলো ফুটছে। আরো কিছু পরে সূর্য উঠবে। এখনই রওনা দিতে হবে। সামনে হাজার বছর। কিন্তু যারা গরিব ছিলো তাদের থাকতে হবে শুধু ৫০০ বছর, তাদের জন্য পরের অর্ধেক মাফ।

লম্বা সময়। দুনিয়াতে বেচে ছিলাম ৫০ বছর, তাও কেমন দীর্ঘ মনে হতো। ইতিহাস কপচাতাম।

সূর্য উঠবে, এখনই রওনা দিতে হবে। আধার থাকা অবস্থাতেই।

"তবে যাই।"
"আচ্ছা, যাও।"

4-Oct-2019 6:18 pm

5-Oct-2019 1:22 am

"সনাতন ধর্মাবলম্বী ও ইসকনের সংঘর্ষে নিহত ১, মণ্ডপে ১৪৪ ধারা।"

Feeling a bit tired recently. Though there is a pending job now that I have to pick a side and support.

Wondering, why is it always me?

5-Oct-2019 1:22 am

5-Oct-2019 11:38 am

1. First language: Basic
2. Had difficulties: Haskell
3. Most used: PHP
4. Totally hate: Java
5. Most loved: C
6. For beginners: JavaScript

This type of post is getting viral in the community. The above is mine.

5-Oct-2019 11:38 am

5-Oct-2019 2:18 pm

The pain that Sheikh Yasir Qadhi is going through while withdrawing from being the 90s Salafi. Video in comment.

5-Oct-2019 2:18 pm

5-Oct-2019 10:04 pm

Our future fighter for rights.
This post had an attachment, which is now missing

5-Oct-2019 10:04 pm

5-Oct-2019 11:44 pm

Old time FB users should be familiar with AtikUllah Atik vai. The islamic scholar who was known for translating and posting Arabic short and meaningful stories. He is missing since yesterday. Most likely caught by some secret agency. We shall know for sure within a week. I was waiting for some update by tonight, but as per last news till 10pm, he's still missing.
  • All news collected from FB.

5-Oct-2019 11:44 pm

6-Oct-2019 1:27 am

|| Turks vs Kurds?

Turkey vs Kurdies are about to start a new fight. And have absolutely no idea whom to support. Both are my favorite team. Both are sunni and aggressive fighter. But who knows who's in the right! Strategy might be just sit back and watch.

|| North Korea talks failed

And now it's north korea that have called the failure. It failed for ages, but Trump bet on his "art of negotiation" to succeed. Wondering what next? And it started with Trump accusing all other presidents before him to have failed, and his promise to deliver result.

  • https://www.facebook.com/atik.ullah.589

6-Oct-2019 1:27 am

6-Oct-2019 2:21 pm

On : arrest of সম্রাট

Which one is better?

Live a fast and furious but short life?
Or a dumb and boring but long life?


Depending on his choice, he can't be said to have failed. /s

  • লাষ্ট দেখছিলাম দেড় হাজার টাকা। এখন কে জানে কত।

6-Oct-2019 2:21 pm

7-Oct-2019 6:41 am

The main part where Sheikh Yasir Qadhi disassociates himself from what he calls "nazdi dawah", and what the general population call "wahabism". The speech is now shaking up the net right now as it comes from someone who was with it for so long, and not an outsider. This is the 18 min relevant video cut from the full 2 hour discussion, link of which is in comment.

Plan to write on it later, inshaAllah, summarizing what he said. But for now here's the raw thing. And watch how that teaching now has morphed into the group in BD we call the "manhaji", aka "jihadi".


  • The full video is here, and I am providing the link once again.

7-Oct-2019 6:41 am

7-Oct-2019 10:45 pm

লীগ এ জাতির পরিচয়, এ জাতির জাত, এ জাতির জন্ম, এ জাতির রক্ত, এ জাতির আদর্শ, এ জাতির বংশ, এ জাতির বাপ, এ জাতির সন্তান।

আমি এ জাতির জন্য দোয়া করি না।
আমি নিজের আর নিজের পরিবারের জন্য দোয়া করি শুধু।

7-Oct-2019 10:45 pm

8-Oct-2019 3:16 pm

I get asked for family matter advice from time to time. Mostly on what to do on married life crisis. So here's some of my observations and advice :

|| Nothing is worth leaving your wife unless

Unless she cheated, adultery. Things less than that are her being aggressive, abusive, un-cooperative or anything else you can think of. And there's a hadith that says for every bad thing you can find in your wife who is a believer, you can find another one equally good. You won't ever find someone who's good on all sides. Therefore your problem doesn't count, it's not worth leaving her.

|| And it's not worth staying with her when

When she has committed adultery. It doesn't matter how much she has changed, will change, repents or how hard it is for you to break off. You choose to stay with that wife for any *valid* justification and you would be falling in the definition of "daiyous". As that's the definition of that word. How you would be seen in afterlife is up to God. It's not worth it for anything, period.

|| Interestingly most of what I get asked for are

"My wife isn't an adulterer, but I want to break up with her for this and that..." -- well no. No matter what.

or, "My wife committed fornication, she repents and I want to stay with her... can I? should I?" -- well no again.

Lastly it's your choice, your life.
Those were my advice anyway.

8-Oct-2019 3:16 pm

8-Oct-2019 4:12 pm

Nobel prize in Physics announced an hour ago. Awarded partly to a scientist for his many discoveries in cosmology. The last of which is that he proposed velocity measurement based on background radiation in any point of the universe, which shifts from frame less references that was in use prior to it, since Einstein.

And the second part goes to discovery of a planet that circles a sun sized star. Even though the planet most likely is far from being our earth sized, but at least one criteria has been fulfilled, a good start.

8-Oct-2019 4:12 pm

9-Oct-2019 2:49 am

Tip : start your comment with an "আহ!" that will give it an extra layer in covering up your rebellious intention.

For example : "আহ! দ্বিনকে তারা ..." "আহ! উম্মাহ আজকে..."

You don't need to be right. But others will feel less inclined to dissect your comment or start a debate after that, watching how much you are already in pain even before he points out the ways you are wrong.

You will get a break, simply from using that single word.

9-Oct-2019 2:49 am

9-Oct-2019 5:51 am

New phase of Syria war is imminent. Whoever I find is an underdog and is giving a good kick -- will be cheered for by me. Don't bring in your ideological teachings here to teach me whom I "should" support or to deduce what ideology I "surely" support. You will be kicked away pretty quickly along with your ideology.

You are free to exercise your ideologies, just do it elsewhere and without dragging me in it.

9-Oct-2019 5:51 am

9-Oct-2019 12:46 pm

This whole saga in buet will subside, nothing will change. But public will be a little bit more aware of iskcon after that.

How much they are willing to acknowledge it or talk about it is the only thing I sit here to watch.

Talk too much and you will feel responsible for the future bloodshed. Talk too less and watch innocents die one by one.

It's a double edged sword.

9-Oct-2019 12:46 pm

9-Oct-2019 3:41 pm

Singer posts a selfie on the net taken on her high res camera. The camera was so high res that a fan zoomed into her eyes and could see the reflection of the things in front of her.

He could even read the bus stop sign from there. And the angle of the reflection told him which level she lived. The rest are history...

Lesson : things are getting more high res than what we are comfortable with.

In other news china now has camera installed on the streets so high in res that it can track 2000 individuals from their facial features concurrently.

We are pretty close to a "Minority Report" like world.

link in comment, [link might not be safe for taqwa]

9-Oct-2019 3:41 pm

9-Oct-2019 5:06 pm

I am blocking all league supporters in my friend list one by one. Sorry friends, relatives and colleagues.

Cause from now on I shall be writing in favor of league.

"That's good, I want to read. I am a league supporter too!"
Which is why I am blocking you. You misunderstood.

9-Oct-2019 5:06 pm

10-Oct-2019 1:21 am

I am still at a loss trying to figure out what Erdogan's plan is with his new "occupy syria" movement.

This most likely will turnout into one of those long and endless wars like the Saudi war against Yemen, which Saudi thought would be swift, but never was.

But then what? What's the point of running another endless war in Syria? Even if we accept Kurds were destabilizing Turkey, but how long can Turkey run this war without destabilizing its economy? And what's the exit plan?

Turks aren't stupid. And Erdogan possibly isn't an idiot. He most surely has a plan. But even though the war has started few hours ago, I am still at a loss understanding what that is.

And Kurds are probably one of the most beaten around groups in middle east. They were beaten during Saddam, and now are getting beaten by Turks.

10-Oct-2019 1:21 am

10-Oct-2019 3:35 am

Lithium Ion battery inventors have won Nobel in Chemistry today.

Before Lithium ion we used Nickel Cadmium batteries as rechargeable ones. Those were heavy and wouldn't have been able to fly a drone. Li-Ion made that possible.

Interestingly Li-ion battery basically is Li Cobalt battery. Cobalt in needed in equal amount and more expensive than Lithium, a rare earth material.

Lithium right now is produced in large quantities and price has fallen drastically. Main producer is China. There is no shortage of Li for batteries.

10-Oct-2019 3:35 am

10-Oct-2019 8:51 pm

বাংগালি-লীগের পক্ষে :

|| Pro life

কারো মৃত্যুদন্ড কার্যকর করার দিকে বাংগালি খুবই নিম্নে পর্যায়ে আছে। এটা একটা ভালো দিক। এমনেষ্টি পদক পাবার মতো। বস্তুত্ব ১৩ সালে রাজাকারদের মৃত্যুদন্ড কার্যকর করার পরে আর কোনো অপরাধির মৃত্যুদন্ড কার্যকর করা হয়েছে বলে আমি শুনি নি। দুই একজন এর পরও থাকতে পারে আমার অজানা।

|| কিন্তু মৃত্যুদন্ড দেয়া হয় অহরহ

এটা অপরাধ নিয়ন্ত্রনের জন্য। বাংগালির এটা আরেকটা ভালো দিক। কোনো অপরাধিকে ছাড় দেয়া হয় না। উল্টোপাল্টা কিছু করলে একেবারে মৃত্যুদন্ড রায়। অপরাধিরা কাপতে থাকে।

|| মৃত্যুদন্ডকে বানিজ্যিকিকরন করতে দেয়া হয় নি

যেভাবে দোকানে দোকানে অভিযানকে বিনিজ্যিকি করন করা হয়। দুটাকে জরিমানা করলে বাকিগুলো দিয়ে পকেট ভরে। মৃত্যুদন্ডে সেরকম নেই। মৃত্যুদন্ড দিবো ভয় দেখিয়ে কারো থেকে টাকা খাওয়ার উপায় নেই। এই পথ বাংগালি বন্ধ করে রেখেছে। মৃত্যুদন্ড নিয়ে বানিজ্য না। বাকি গুলো নিয়ে করো। ফলশ্রুতিতে মৃত্যুদন্ড কার্যকরার করার ব্যপারে উৎসাহ কম।

|| বাংগালির দয়াদ্রতা ও ক্ষমা প্রবনতা

তবে এত মৃত্যুদন্ড প্রাপ্তরা কোথায় যায়? তাদেরকে শেষ মুহুর্তে ক্ষমা করে দিয়ে মুক্ত করে দেয়া হয়। প্রসিডেন্ট বা প্রধানমন্ত্রি আদেশে। এটা ক্ষমা প্রবনতার চুড়ান্ত নিদর্শন।

এগুলো বাংগালির ভালো দিক।

  • Q. বাংগালি নাকি লীগ স্পষ্ট করে বলেন।
    A. বাংগালি পরিচয়ই মানে লীগ। আপনি কোথায় থাকেন?

10-Oct-2019 8:51 pm

11-Oct-2019 1:47 pm

Note to self :

You would be seeing overwhelming number of these cruel murders in the near future. This one is a small start. Don't get too upset. Don't blame God. Everything has a reason. Tolerate and be patient. And always be pleased on Him, no matter what.

Your life is your test, not your home. It's short anyway.

My Lord, make it easy for us.
Forgive for what's in our heart.
And accept us.

11-Oct-2019 1:47 pm

11-Oct-2019 3:35 pm

আর্টিক্যলটার টাইটেল ছিলো "তোমরা যারা শিবির করো"। কত বছর আগের লিখা ভুলে গিয়েছি।

সে থেকে "তোমার যারা" কথাটা প্রবাদের মতো হয়ে গিয়েছিলো। As a mock. আমি নিজেও বহুবার ব্যবহার করেছি ফ্রেইজটা স্টেটাসে।

গতকাল পোষ্ট করতে চেয়েছিলাম "আজকে স্যার বেচে থাকেলে..."। কিন্তু লিখার দরকার পড়লো না। স্যার বেচে আছেন জানান দিয়েছেন। আমরা যারা চেতনা ধর্ম নিয়ে বেচে থাকি চেতনাই আমাদের শ্বাস, এটা বন্ধ হয়ে গেলে মৃত্যু। স্যার নিশ্চই আমাদের বাচাতে এগিয়ে আসবেন? কিছু যুক্তি, কিছু ফিল্টার, কিছু নতুন কথা নিয়ে।

আজকে স্যার আর্টিক্যল প্রসব করেছেন। টাইটেল কি? "তোমারা যারা লীগ করো?" না। তা না। তবে যা লিখেছেন তাতে আমার চেতনা অক্সিজেন পাচ্ছে না। শেষে স্যারও কি ধর্মান্তরিত হবেন? সম্ভবতঃ না। আদর্শ বেচে থাকে। যেমন নাজিজম বেচে থাকে হিটলারের মৃত্যুর পরেও। যেমন কমুনিজম বেচে থাকে সোভিয়েত রাশিয়ার পতনের পরেও।

আদর্শের মৃত্যু নেই। কারন আদর্শের দোষ নেই।

ধর্ম বলে কথা।

11-Oct-2019 3:35 pm

11-Oct-2019 10:05 pm

In other news BTS has reached Riyadh stadium for their historic performance. I am a BTS fan. Though I never remember to have ever listened to any one of their music. But a fan nevertheless.

There's no sin in being a fan, is there? :V

11-Oct-2019 10:05 pm

11-Oct-2019 11:06 pm

কিছু কমেন্টরদের ব্লক করতে হচ্ছে। তাদের কোনো দোষ নেই। আমার দোষ। আমি তাদের বুঝার মতো করে সহজ করে ভালো কিছু লিখি না।

এর পরও, তারা আমার জন্য বিরক্তিকর। আমাদের মাঝে বয়সের বড় একটা পার্থক্য আছে যেটাকে উপেক্ষা করার উপায় নেই। যার যার "বড় ভাইদের" থেকে শিক্ষা নিতে হবে এবং সবারই বড় ভাই আছে।

আমার কাছে আসলে বিভ্রান্ত হবেন। জাজাকাল্লাহ।

11-Oct-2019 11:06 pm

12-Oct-2019 12:49 am

Middle east in the mean time is going through a lot of twist and turns :

Turkey is fighting and captured deep into Syria. It's no longer about creating a 5 km buffer zone, as they now are hitting at least 500 km deep. Probably will go further and try to capture whole of east Euphrates river.

Two rockets fired at an Iranian oil tanker near Jeddah port, not Gulf. And now it has been revealed those were fired form Israeli boats.

USA has sent 3000 more troops into Saudi with fighters and rockets.

And don't forget BTS performance tonight at Riyadh stadium. BTS news is always the largest. :V

12-Oct-2019 12:49 am

12-Oct-2019 2:29 pm

How to auto stop your petrol generator as soon as power returns :

Note that you can't auto start a petrol generator as it doesn't have a battery starter, which diesel generators have, but you can auto stop it which is a big gain.

Why auto stop? Otherwise if power fails at night you need to run the generator and sit tight until power returns for you to manually turn off the generator. That makes your family member's sleep more peaceful, but not yours. You are just as much miserable as when you didn't have a generator.

With auto stop, you pull the string to run it every time power fails and forget. It will stop automatically as soon power returns.

"OK, how to then?"

Open the on/off switch of your generator with a screwdriver. Will find a few wires connected to the switch. Figure out which wires short or which one disconnects when you turn it off or on using your multi meter.

Next disconnect all the wires from the switch and extend those out using extra wire. Buy a relay switch like the one shown in comment, which you can find in Nababpur or order online. Will cost around 100 taka, including the plastic base for wire connection. The plastic base is separate from the transparent relay shown in picture.

This relay is a on-off switch. You will need a 220V AC relay, which means it will turn on when you power it 220 AC, and turn off ass soon as you disconnect the power, which is exactly what we need.

But, which pins do you have to supply 220v for it to turn on? That you need to figure out yourself with trial and error. You will find two pins where supplying 220v turns it on.

Next you need to figure out which pins connect or disconnect when you apply the power. Use your multi-meter for that. You will find two pins from opposite sides of the relay that connect when you supply 220v to turn it on, and those disconnect when you turn it off.

You are now done. Connect the wires from the generator's switch to the relay so that the switch turns off when the relay is on. Next connect your relay directly with your mains supply which is outside your generator's coverage.

Now as soon as power returns, your generator will turn off automatically.

  • 220v relay that I use.

12-Oct-2019 2:29 pm

12-Oct-2019 3:40 pm

All my life I had been watching marathon runs finishing at 2 hours + 10 to 15 minutes of time, which over the years approached 2 hours but never touched it.

Today the record, a Kenyan finished the marathon run in 20 seconds less than 2 hours! Check the clock at top in pic.

Note that marathon is a 40 km run. There's a quarter marathon at 10 km which seems more practical for me.

12-Oct-2019 3:40 pm

12-Oct-2019 9:05 pm

ওস্তাদকে বললাম :

"ওস্তাদ! বুয়েটের এই ঘটনাগুলোর একটা গভির তত্বমূলক কিছু বলেন। আর ভালো লাগছে না।"

জিজ্ঞাসা করলো "সমস্যা কি তোমার?"

"মানে এই যে একের পর এক ব্যপক এবং নির্মম নির্যাতনের খবর বেরিয়ে আসছে যেগুলো মানুষ আগে জানতো না। চিন্তাও করে নি।"

"আল্লাহর মাইর।"


"মনে আছে কিছুদিন আগে মাদ্রাসার ভেতরের এই সব টর্চার নিপিড়ন নিয়ে ফেসবুক গরম হয়ে গিয়েছিলো? তখন কংক্লুশন কি ছিলো? নিজের ছেলেকে তবে ভার্সিটিতেই পড়াবো, কমপক্ষে এই নির্যাতন সহ্য করতে হবে না। এখন আল্লাহ তায়ালা ভার্সিটির ভেতরের অন্ধকারও বের করে নিয়ে এসেছেন। হুবহু একই। বরং আরো নিষ্ঠুর নির্মম, আরো ব্যপক। কমপক্ষে মাদ্রাসায় এই লেভেলে ছাত্রদের উপর কোনো নির্যাতন হয় নি। আল্লাহ তায়ালা দেখিয়ে দিলেন। বা বলো সমান করে দিলেন। আর এটা তো শুধু বুয়েটে, যেখানে সবচেয়ে ভালো পরিবেশ। অন্যগুলোর অবস্থা দেখবে এর থেকে আরো অনেক অনেক বেশি খারাপ।"

"তবে? এখন কি করবো?"

"একটা কঠিন সময় দিয়ে আমরা যাচ্ছি। যার যার কাজের পরিনতি আল্লাহ বের করে দিচ্ছেন। নিজের গুনাহর জন্য তৌবা করো। তোমার গুনাহও যদি আল্লাহ তায়ালা প্রকাশ করে দেন তবে তুমিও এর থেকে ভালো থাকতে পারবে না।"

ফিরে আসলাম।
ভাবলাম, কথা হয়তো সত্যি।
কিন্তু নিজের সামনে আমি অন্ধকার দেখছি।

  • "আপনার ওস্তাদ কে?" এটা বাজে প্রশ্ন। এবং কমেন্ট করে লাভ নেই। প্রায় সকল কমেন্ট মুছে ফেলা হবে।

12-Oct-2019 9:05 pm

12-Oct-2019 11:46 pm

Not from The Onion :

"প্রধানমন্ত্রীকে নোবেল বঞ্চিত করতে আবরার হত্যাকাণ্ড ঘটতে পারে : চট্টগ্রামের মেয়র"

He might be just kidding, right?
Then I read the details...

তিনি বলেন, ‘শান্তিতে নোবেল প্রাইজ পাওয়ার জন্য মাননীয় প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনার নামটিও সক্রিয়ভাবে বিবেচনায় ছিল। যেদিন নোবেল কমিটি নোবেল প্রাইজ ঘোষণার জন্য বসেছে, সেদিন কিন্তু এ কাজটি হয়েছে। এখানে ষড়যন্ত্র, চক্রান্ত থাকতে পারে। যাতে উনি নোবেল প্রাইজটা না পান।’

12-Oct-2019 11:46 pm

13-Oct-2019 2:04 am

Here are all the groups/states that are supporting Erdogan/Turkey in this war in Syria.

- Ikhwan, implying our JI supporters in BD are also in support.

  • AQ, which means the manhaji "bros" group in BD are also strongly in favor, I can't know it directly as I have blocked them all :-)
  • Qatar
  • Pakistan
  • Somalia
  • Spain

    Rest of all are against. I am still torn and confused. But it's pretty clear that anyone who pushes me to support Turkey in this war should be from JI or AQ :V They have an agenda.

    I need to figure out a team to support outside of *their* agenda.

    Keep watching.

    13-Oct-2019 2:04 am

  • 13-Oct-2019 9:12 am

    "শুধু আবরারকে হত্যা করেনি আকাশ, নিজের ভ্যান চালক বাবার স্বপ্নও শেষ করে দিয়েছে"

    "ট্রাকচালক পিতাও চাইলেন আবরার হত্যাকারি নিজের সন্তান শামীমের শাস্তি"


    সন্তানকে বিয়ে দিতে হলে যে যে এলাকা পরিবেশে বড় হয়েছেন সে এলাকার কারো সাথে বিয়ে দিয়েন।

    শুধু লেখাপড়া-চাকরি-ব্যবসা দেখে দিলে পরে পস্তাতে হবে।

    13-Oct-2019 9:12 am

    13-Oct-2019 2:44 pm

    Life and capitalism.

    The reality of "mid-life crisis".

    Well, never realized that :V

    Difference between a good quote and reality.

    What "Gangsters" looked like in our time.
    vs who we call gangster now.

    Most commercial ads don't mean anything, until you suddenly realize the hidden reality.

    aka, Capitalism.

    13-Oct-2019 2:44 pm

    13-Oct-2019 5:27 pm


    Shias in Iraq were beaten by Saddam.
    Then Shias beat the Sunnis.
    Then ISIS beat Shias.
    Then the Kurds beat ISIS.
    Now it's Turks beating the Kurds.

    Keep watching.

    One winning or beating off the other doesn't mean winner is on the right side. As God pretty often eliminates an evil with another evil. And good sides rarely stay good for long after they have won and gained power. That's life. And God knows it all. As He has seen these for far longer than any of us survived.

    He knows, we don't.
    And I have to answer for myself only.

    13-Oct-2019 5:27 pm

    13-Oct-2019 10:09 pm


    no one said flee abroad, when people were getting lynched on the streets, in '06. no one said flee abroad when numbers were killed in motijheel, in '13. no one said flee abroad when unknown thousands were abducted never to return.

    but interestingly enough right now where ever i look, every community i listen to -- everyone says "flee abroad, it's dark times ahead."

    what changed? it's not that right now the general population is living a harder life then ever. rather look at it and you can see them having a better time watching all men in power collapsing.

    people feeling something.
    something that isn't right.

    • https://www.facebook.com/poetmusaalhafiz/posts/2434631476794469

    13-Oct-2019 10:09 pm

    13-Oct-2019 11:30 pm

    Assad to assist Kurds in fight against Turks. And Syrian government force in motion towards north. Things are getting interesting.

    I don't believe Erdogan didn't have this possibility in his plan. But what's his plan is, still is a mystery to me.

    Maybe things will clear up over time. Either we are watching the start of a hero turning villain, or the rise of a hero doing his job.

    I don't know which.

    13-Oct-2019 11:30 pm

    14-Oct-2019 6:21 am

    You thought no business can succeed without advertisement?

    Here's a business that's thriving for years by stubbornly declining to spend anything on ads, and by maintaining an internal policy of bargaining on the side of their customers. They shift all the profit they make form their bargain to their customers even if the customers aren't aware of it or even if they don't ask for it.

    Link in comment.

    14-Oct-2019 6:21 am

    14-Oct-2019 2:18 pm

    I am strongly against unions and strikes. No matter how much benefit someone sees in it or not. Know your rights and stand for yourself firmly. Don't build a gangs group and then force others to join you.

    I see a union as far more torturous a regime than the one it claims to fight.

    News : Uber drivers in BD have unionized and started a strike today.

    14-Oct-2019 2:18 pm

    14-Oct-2019 6:29 pm

  • Putin lands in Riyadh, now in King's palace.

    - SDF -- the only surviving rebel group from the 10 years of war has now joined Assad, contract signed to assimilate with the government and Kurds getting top posts.

    - USA completely withdraws from Syria at last. EU joins by withdrawing all their troops. Trump : let them fight their own war.

    Feeling so surreal.

    Either my life is a lie -- or all the ideologies that I had been reading on the net thousands of posts, notes, PDFs so much logic, reasoning and declaration, so sure a conclusions -- everything is as meaningless as flying ashes.

    Time for big turns. And I don't know what's next.

    14-Oct-2019 6:29 pm

  • 15-Oct-2019 7:52 pm

    Yesterday : Picture of a 6 yo kid circulating on the net, killed mercilessly and exposing a horror film like scene. I am cutting out the details.

    Today : Everyone of his family is responsible behind this crime, including his father, mother, uncle and 12 others. They wanted to create a scene for their benefit.

    Lesson : Whenever you find a crime too horrendous, too much poster like -- then there is a back story which changes the whole picture.

    Not sharing any link.

    Know thy nation

    15-Oct-2019 7:52 pm

    15-Oct-2019 8:52 pm

    "O! King and Kingdom, sew up my lips.
    For I see this whole country is a graveyard."

    But don't get attached with the group or their performers. They all have a dark background which was exposed on the net.

    But then again don't let a poets personal life prevent you from enjoying his poem.

    This post had an attachment, which is now missing

    15-Oct-2019 8:52 pm

    15-Oct-2019 10:17 pm

    Your death is now time for you to meet the people you killed.

    Once there you can't kill those people a second time to get rid of them no matter how strong you are, as there's no death after death. They would refuse to die, no matter how many knife attacks you strike.

    They bad news : they all will now be coming for you to catch your hands for justice. And time never ends, never. Whatever is there is forever.

    There's no escape.

    15-Oct-2019 10:17 pm

    16-Oct-2019 1:38 am

    I was checking Amazon's hosted relational database offer, say for a typical case of 30GB data and 20M queries / month

    Per month cost :
    Storage $0.10/GB = $3
    I/O $0.20/1m requests = $4
    CPU $24/month for 1 year contract.
    And I haven't factored in data migration charge.

    Total : $30/month.
    Which I get at $10 form DigitalOcean.

    I still have no idea how Amazon's offer is better or why people flock there. Going "server less" doesn't save you the server cost, rather increase it by 3 folds.

    Maybe it's the old IBM MS or Oracle like effect -- "No one gets fired for choosing AWS" now a days.

    16-Oct-2019 1:38 am

    16-Oct-2019 2:14 pm

    Mark Zuckerberg discovers TikTok, realizes humanity has no future.

    He possibly is now looking forward for a settlement on Mars.

    16-Oct-2019 2:14 pm

    16-Oct-2019 5:21 pm

    Book translating and publishing seems like a thriving business now in BD, many making a living out of it. But as like most of all thriving businesses this too has an illegal component in it, which makes people who want to live a honest life not to indulge in it.

    For translating and publishing an author's book legally you need to seek permission from the foreign author and his publisher, and send them loyalty for each book printed. It's called copyright.

    If that sounds "too much" or "might be legally required, but not ethically" then think what you probably will do when someone else takes your translation and publishes it himself for his profit without talking to you.

    Now let me add that some group from the muslims deny "intellectual property right" having any place in Islam. Right now I can think of only one such group, the HT's from the 2000s. And I am not here to oppose them. But even if we accept them for their ruling, the problem of "what if someone republishes my book" lingers. Opposing re-publication of my book, while supporting re-publication of others sounds a bit hypocratic.

    I don't look at anyone publishing a book with or without a permission as indulging in a sin. Rather these thoughts are only for those that wonder whether the money I am making is fully clean.

    This is another business idea that I see, but can't actually get personally involved in.

    16-Oct-2019 5:21 pm

    16-Oct-2019 6:46 pm

    This week Tesla releases "smart summon". Stand near the exit of your parking lot, and call your car using your cell phone. Wherever it's parked, will start, drive and approach you fully on its own.

    This previously was possible only on paper and controlled environment, but now being used by the masses. Amazing.

    16-Oct-2019 6:46 pm

    16-Oct-2019 7:45 pm

    News : Yahoo group is shutting down. All contents will be taken offline within a week. Yahoo group was so large a community in the 90s and before FB came to existence. And my war in social media more or less started with Yahoo groups.

    Looking back there were 1000s of islamic groups in there, where people from all over the world visited, unlike FB, which right now is mostly country based communities. And I came to know about Salafi teaching, Ashari vs Athari debate first from yahoo groups.

    There were also a lot of anti-islamic groups. The "Mukto Mona" group was born and started their activity in yahoo group. All the cross group fights and debates. All history now.

    Before that there were IRC. Then came yahoogroups. Later BD participants flocked to somewhereinblog, which right now is access blocked from BD. Then came FB, which still is running. And I noticed most of our JI brothers have recently shifted to Twitter.

    Time flies.

    • https://help.yahoo.com/kb/groups/SLN31010.html
    • "কিয়াস" না, সে সম্ভবতঃ "ক্যাচ" বুঝাতে চেয়েছে ইংরেজিতে। "কথাটা কেচ করতে পারি নাই" গ্রাম দেশে বেশ প্রচলিত কথা।

    16-Oct-2019 7:45 pm

    17-Oct-2019 7:24 am

    Yesterday's News :
    NASA publishes a paper on another "no thrust drive" -- called a Helical drive.

    The idea is simple : accelerate particles in an engine so that it approaches speed of light while travelling to one direction, then slow it down when the particle return travel to opposite side. Relativity indicates that the mass of the particle will increase on one way and fall on the other. The engine will accelerate without a thrust, and simply from using internal energy.


    Today : ArsTechnica rips off the proposal as so absurd, that a simple physics student should have caught it, let alone NASA.


    The good news, it wasn't any NASA scientist, just a manager that worked on it.

    I am still waiting for another opposing view, in case I missed something.

    17-Oct-2019 7:24 am

    17-Oct-2019 2:37 pm

    We all think that doctors are having it best? Not necessarily. The linked status in comment.

    But then again what can the young do as an alternate that pays a living wage? Do you believe even an engineering degree guarantees a good job after graduation? Not necessarily.

    The conclusion is still go abroad, if you can. If not then medicine can always pay you something unlike many other professions that pay you nothing.

    Also education quality helps. If you didn't learn anything in university because you always copied, then don't expect anything besides a government job.

    • https://www.facebook.com/shamsul.shakti/posts/10219884999259879

    17-Oct-2019 2:37 pm

    17-Oct-2019 3:10 pm

    Grameen Phone in melt down mode. Link in comment. Note for those that continued to study MBA wishing to get a job there, or EEE. The looting of the fallout will be great, whoever can grab as much. Then there will be nothing.

    17-Oct-2019 3:10 pm

    17-Oct-2019 11:59 pm

    My knees are shaking in fear. Now what if... what if... I mean what if... India now... well... link in comment...

    Kidding aside, this one is another sign that the chain of command is breaking down on BD side. They had extremely strong orders to *never* fire on Indian side.

    Reminder, two days ago Indian side took hostage of three RAB from the border and returned them beaten to ... .

    And twenty years ago someone from BD had to ask forgiveness to the Indian side over phone 20 times after .... .

    All bad signs, keep watching. :V

    Don't leave without writing "Joy hind."

    17-Oct-2019 11:59 pm

    18-Oct-2019 12:10 am

    Anyone thought Huawei should be now filing for bankruptcy because of US sanctions has a surprise. Revenue up 40% over last year, and profit up 25% for the last 9 months in this year.

    18-Oct-2019 12:10 am

    18-Oct-2019 6:44 am

    Turkeys invasion of northern Syria is almost over. That was swift and short. And it has occupied 25 kms alongside its border. Which includes all the Kurd cities and most of all the old city names we heard during isis fight.

    Their plan is to rehabilitate the millions of Syrian refuges now residing in Turkey, into this location. I would say not a bad idea.

    And YPG and other Kurd teams that defeated isis, no matter how strong they are, were no match against Turks.

    Good job done. But as usual nothing ever ends. Time to calculate the aftermath now.

    How has the landscape changed? And how might it affect the next events? That's what we need to watch.

    So who won? Whoever, USA is now off Syria. And they had to leave without preparation, in a hurry, destroying their equipment. On the other hand equipment destroying before leaving a post isn't new in warfare.

    Erdogan had a plan. And he executed it nicely.

    18-Oct-2019 6:44 am

    18-Oct-2019 2:04 pm

    Here's my "write all posts in English" experience so far :

    Previously when writing in Bengali, new followers would suddenly spike over 24 hours whenever someone reminded my name in the underworld [read, criticized my post in a secret group :-) ] and then fall within the next few weeks. Thus stayed more or less level over time.

    So writing in English would make a sharp decline in followership, right? That's what I assumed, but didn't happen. As soon as I started writing all in English, that gradual declination stopped. Apparently no one hence after un-follows me. And I watched gradual increase in followership that almost never happened when I used to write in Bengali only. This one is surprising. Maybe there's an easy explanation that I overlooked.

    The spikes still happen, as how it happened a few days ago when I posted a few Bengali posts. But I have no idea who-where remembered me for that to occur. :V

    18-Oct-2019 2:04 pm

    18-Oct-2019 4:05 pm

    Lebanon declared it will charge $6/month from users for using WhatsApp voice call. No one knows how that will be monitored or charged. But only the declaration started a huge riot in the country, taking the whole country into an unstable state.

    Link in comment to best reaction on it so far.

    18-Oct-2019 4:05 pm

    18-Oct-2019 11:06 pm

    The future is in AI/ML. Now you can spend your 2 years of life getting a certificate on it to get a job. Or you can choose instead to build something.

    In the 90s and 2000s you could do all the things on your cheap laptop that big corps did on their expensive hardware. How much money you wanted to spend on hardware in business, depended on how much corrupt you can get on wasting corporate cash. As nothing needed too large a processing power anyway.

    Things changed. Now it's all about processing power. The more you have of it, the more leverage you have over others that are competing with you for the same market share.

    I was still thinking about what's the minimal you need, the cheapest.

    Need two GPUs. And I can't run GPUs with laptop. Need at least a desktop. But desktops aren't available anymore since laptops took over.

    Alternate? Need to go for those hated, overpriced, corporate waste, rack servers to simply get started. Even if I want to work on my ideas at home, there's no way around.

    Next where from can I buy a rack server? Those aren't available on street side shops. Need to place order in corporate offices. And they won't take orders from you even if you walk in with your cash. They will measure you, check how much you are willing to pay, what you are willing to use it for in which office [ "I want to use it at home" isn't a valid answer yet ] ask you to send a "Request for Offer", try to figure out your contract-office-tender, and then send you back a "Our best offer" letter with price boosted up three folds.

    Wondering what to do.

    18-Oct-2019 11:06 pm

    19-Oct-2019 12:57 am

    In other news Dhaka Stock Exchange has fallen 20% in 9 months since the start of this year.

    I believe the government can simply order stock to rise prices and it will rise as like how the gov controls market price.

    Why not send some magistrate there? :V

    19-Oct-2019 12:57 am

    19-Oct-2019 4:40 am

    Well I see now everyone has had enough of Salafi/Madkhali/or whatever you call it. Link in comment.

    The rise and fall of another ideology that shook the world for decades.

    In my younger age I used to read about Kharizies in books. That surely made me scared, and wonder if there's any chance I might fall in them.

    Then it read, this group ain't any longer present on earth and have had been eliminated long since. And then there's another caution from a companion : they will never be eliminated, and their blood will continue to flow in people till the end of time.

    So where are they now?

    Then God did show me who they are -- in plain sight and more conclusively than I ever thought.

    And I ask forgiveness to Him.

    • https://www.facebook.com/yasir.qadhi/posts/10157196198383300?__tn__=K-R
    • Terminology doesn't matter, Ideologies matter. So don't debate on terminology. Focus on who had been teaching what.

    19-Oct-2019 4:40 am

    19-Oct-2019 11:29 pm

    News : "NASA made history with first all women space walk."

    I asked, well how many were there? 5, 6? Then read the details, just 2 of them.

    Apparently that's enough for it to be news.

    19-Oct-2019 11:29 pm

    20-Oct-2019 1:04 am

    Note to young : Whenever you are in the airport, never ever be generous as to help anyone in carrying his item or accompany any lone traveler.

    This includes : "Can you deliver these phones to my family? they will be in airport." -- trap, these are illegal and you have to pay.

    "Can you accompany my sick father, people will pick him off airport." -- trap, no one will be at airport, and you have to send him to his home or hospital on your expense. And then also face charges.

    "Can you drop me off at city center on your transport?" -- trap, he is carrying wine bottles and you will be arrested with your car. He can't safely exit without your help.

    or even "Can you guard these packages for me, while I go to toilet?" -- he won't return in any meaningful time.

    Help ONLY when you are contacted for help at home days before the flight and you know pretty well who you are dealing with.

    Never help on the spot in an airport, for which you didn't agree on the previous day, or you didn't know him yesterday. Basically never make a deal in the airport, you will be the loser.

    News link to a few incidents, in comment.

    20-Oct-2019 1:04 am

    20-Oct-2019 1:41 am

    a few reminders on the lg+ issue.

    - it's in full swing in bd. check one of the tv drama being broadcast last eid titled "থার্ড সেক্স". it's on youtube now. things are worse than ever.

    - it was nice supporting liberals in us politics 20 years back, but right now this lg thing has turned so large that i would say one is more safe being a little on the right side simply to save himself.

    - watch any scholar talking on this lg issue. if the first thing he says is "it's not a sin to have blah blah thoughts but it's only sin when one engages in it..," take a step back from him.

    - our books say that this thing will get larger and larger over time as we approach the end of time. save yourself.

    personal opinion, you might disagree.

    20-Oct-2019 1:41 am

    20-Oct-2019 12:50 pm

    "Time out" is at doorstep. And our Menon thought it's best to abandon ship now rather than later. So yesterday he talked about things that are forbidden to talk on. And men in power though that can't go unpunished.

    Today's news "প্রতি মাসে সম্রাটের থেকে ১৪ লাখ টাকা চাঁদা নিতেন মেনন।"

    So, someone now is the pawn that can be used at will against anyone.

    Lesson : Save yourself and try to live with dignity. Don't join any group right now, as then you are the pawn.

    20-Oct-2019 12:50 pm

    20-Oct-2019 2:33 pm

    Here's my advice for the young that follow me really to seek advice :

    Things are on the brink. Don't engage in anything right now. Don't attack any group or attack or defend any position.

    Establishments, ideologies and teachings have started to break down and everyone is now looking for something to blame for their misery.

    Don't attack the jihadis, they have failed, but now should be on look for someone to blame.

    Don't attack the men in power, they are on run and will fall with or without your interventions.

    Simply keep quiet and keep a low profile. It's not time even to express your disagreement on anything. Hold onto your position and stand where you are.

    And don't get over exited for the future, I am a stern believer of "out of the frying pan into the fire" theory for the near future.

    Just shut your mouth and keep quiet for the next two years.

    And pray for guidance -- and safety.

    20-Oct-2019 2:33 pm

    20-Oct-2019 5:22 pm

    ভোলা, The men in power wasn't our worst enemy. They were the same group that planned and ordered the kill in BUET. I can't name them. I can't blame them. I can't talk about them. I can't stir up anything. The rest are censored.

    The gov was able to calm down every one of previous such incidences, but at one time it won't be able to. Just wait.

    20-Oct-2019 5:22 pm

    20-Oct-2019 5:33 pm

    ভোলায় নিহত ৪ - মানবজমিন।
    Just watch. People on the edge. Magic of fear waning.

    20-Oct-2019 5:33 pm

    20-Oct-2019 8:20 pm

    To our JI bros who might have started following me within the last two weeks or so.

    I am sympathetic to you as a Muslim but ain't subscribed to your teaching. So it would be useless pushing me.

    And I know the teachings. I spent a lot of time with our shibir brothers in the 80s, tablig bros in 90s, HTs in the 00s, and manhajis in the 10s. I had seen it all, mostly.

    Nothing you say is new.

    • And to know my standing, you can check this post.

    20-Oct-2019 8:20 pm

    21-Oct-2019 3:51 pm

    More signs : "ধর্মঘটের ডাক দিলেন বাংলাদেশের ক্রিকেটাররা"

    Reminder, these are the same Shakib who were made to bow down and grab someone's feet asking for forgiveness and then the photo of that scene published in all papers to shame him before the world, 10 years back. The one that did it is now our finance minister. That was only because Shakib said he disagrees with the foundation in very short words.

    Right now it's not only a talking of disagreement, they are going for strike! How dare they?

    Sign of the time, and time is changing rapidly.

    Activists keep your pitchfork ready.
    Non-activists [like me] keep ready your shoes [to flee]

    21-Oct-2019 3:51 pm

    21-Oct-2019 6:37 pm

    Saudi :

    - Pulled it's ARAMCO IPO.

    - Is in clash with SoftBank on WeWork valuation, where Saudi want to keep it still inflated, SoftBank want to keep it realistic.

    - And what it invested previously through SoftBank are all sinking low.

    Saudi is in cash crisis or should be in shortly. The newly deployed USA soldiers have to be paid for by the Saudis, and at rate more than mercenary hiring, plus all those equipment cost.

    At least that was how it worked in Gulf War 91, and Trump isn't any softer.

    21-Oct-2019 6:37 pm

    22-Oct-2019 2:03 pm

    Now lemme pre declare it here -- for any anti-gov or any anti-law post that I might have made here in the past, or will in the future -- please know that it wasn't me, rather my ID was hacked.

    I am innocent.

    22-Oct-2019 2:03 pm

    22-Oct-2019 3:07 pm

    Nothing you say is new :
    I have already heard your argument at least say 4000 times in the last 40 years. The reason I don't put down my reasoning is to avoid more time wasting debates, and the mere fact that I am just tired of it, and that I can't learn anything new from your conversation that I haven't already heard a hundred times before -- no matter what you say.

    So please know that I know it, before you say it. And in rare cases I do hear of something new, I share it on my status, whether I agree with it or disagree. This happens say once in six months or a year. That's enough to trigger my interest, though I won't accept that teaching, regardless of the fact that it's interesting.

    I have seen no new teaching standing the scrutiny of time. All have faltered within the span of a lifetime, no matter how convincing it was at first.

    That's all.

    22-Oct-2019 3:07 pm

    22-Oct-2019 3:39 pm

    Docker down. Everyone now uses Kubernetes. And "DevOps" neither means client interaction, nor programming skills. It's only about knowing how to deploy Kubernetes, not a bit more, not a bit less.

    22-Oct-2019 3:39 pm

    22-Oct-2019 7:38 pm

    Thoughts on Atik Ullah,

    I checked this post :

    Then checked this news

    Then matched a few dates and probably can guess what happened to Atik Ullah vai. My non-conspiracy theory : two scholars were captured first, they exposed a secret discussion group of all scholars. and now everyone active there are getting captured.

    Lets not talk about other conspiracy theories.

    22-Oct-2019 7:38 pm

    23-Oct-2019 9:57 pm

    Feeling like ----
    আমলকি পিয়ালের কুঞ্জে
    কিছু মৌমাছি এখন ও যে গুঞ্জে

    23-Oct-2019 9:57 pm

    24-Oct-2019 12:20 am

    In case you are planning to visit Dubai, on budget.

    And btw, the 3 dirham potato sandwich is the most delicious one I ate ever. Plus you can eat three in a row and still not worry on how much you just wasted. A burger king sandwich in BD costs 10 times as much, and still tastes worst.

    [never visited Dubai, but anyway, ate elsewhere :-) ]

    And rooms are BDT 2000 per night, that looks better than the 3 star ones here which costs double that.

    This post had an attachment, which is now missing

    24-Oct-2019 12:20 am

    24-Oct-2019 7:53 am

    আমি গাছ কাটা মহিলার পক্ষে। ছাদের shared space. একজন এসে "গাছ - শিশু - স্বাধিনতা" বা এধরনের emotional কোনো ইশু দেখিয়ে পুরো দখল নিয়ে নিজের জন্য ব্যবহার করবে এটা হয় না।

    Back story আছে নিশ্চই। তাকে হয়তো অনেকবার বলা হয়েছিলো এগুলো সরাতে কিন্তু ভিডিওতে মহিলা যে গলায় চেচাচ্ছিলো তখনো হয়তো সে রকম গলায় চেচিয়ে "প্রতিবাদ" জানিয়ে "নিরিহ গাছের" দোহাই দিয়ে নিজের প্রয়োজনে সব আটকে রেখেছিলো।

    As usual আমাদের পুলিশ জালেমের পক্ষে খুবই তড়িৎ। এখনে বিস্ময়কর কিছু নেই। পুলিশ কার পক্ষে অতি উৎসাহি সেটা দেখেও বুঝা যায় কে সঠিক, details না জানা থাকলেও।

    24-Oct-2019 7:53 am

    24-Oct-2019 3:42 pm

    When you bring Chinese jobs to India because of US sanctions.
    This post had an attachment, which is now missing

    24-Oct-2019 3:42 pm

    25-Oct-2019 2:47 pm

    It's raining outside. Depressing weather. Dissidents' pics.

    Poster image for the future.

    Still stand tall.

    That mostly never happens. But it's hope that keeps us alive.

    It's said, they sent 20 police officers to arrest Taheri.
    The aftermath.

    The wolf doesn't perform in circus quote in Arabic.

    And then the future.

    25-Oct-2019 2:47 pm

    25-Oct-2019 10:39 pm

    Snaps from countryside home visit. I didn't grow up here. I grew in the city. But this is where our forefathers lived.

    Road towards our home.

    Most of all masjids are beautifully build at unaffordable expense, but through an arab middle easter sponsor.

    This tree is older than me. I had been watching this one since my childhood, at this size, and this much bent and standing.

    When I was young all these roads were thin clay road, just enough wide to put one's feet only and grass on both side.

    Now these are all paved.

    Another mosque, this one is also built from sponsored money from middle east.


    A small sized countryside market.

    25-Oct-2019 10:39 pm

    26-Oct-2019 3:16 pm

    US DoD requested bidding for its $10B cloud platform. Contenders were only three GOOGL, MSFT, AMZN.

    Google dropped off as its employees revolted against working on military projects, and the company bent on demand.

    Today's news : MSFT won the bid, surprisingly, as everyone thought AWS had better solution.

    Google might have a huge HR problem. We are frequently watching processions, mass walkout for the day, and workers suing on minor issues that are getting settled for big money.

    26-Oct-2019 3:16 pm

    26-Oct-2019 3:28 pm

    Tip : How to generate a GUID/UUID for testing.

    Use dead beef technique. Easy to remember. We fill up the whole string with "dead beef" and reserved the last 8 digit for the actual number.


    26-Oct-2019 3:28 pm

    26-Oct-2019 3:44 pm

    PG&E vs CA :

    PG&E provides electricity to CA homes. Sometimes its transmission lines burst up in flames. Sometimes those flames start wildfire.

    So there's a scope to sue PG&E and CA did exactly that. This year PG&E ended up paying $12B in damages. It most likely doesn't even earn that much money.

    The consequence? PG&E are now extra careful. Whenever the wind blows a little bit strong, they turn off the grid for almost everyone. Total power out. And power doesn't return even after wind has stopped. They manually check all the lines to ensure the line is ok, which takes upto a week, and then turn on the power. So CA is facing days and days of power out as a result.

    Me thinks this is what you get for getting over-protective on your rights and bringing in too much anti-business laws.

    26-Oct-2019 3:44 pm

    27-Oct-2019 7:31 am

    The world coming to an end?
    An asteroid on its way to hit earth?
    Nuclear war?
    Alien invasion?
    Whatever it is, we all are going to die.

    27-Oct-2019 7:31 am

    27-Oct-2019 1:06 pm

    We are officially entering post-Baghdadi era. What's next?

    Live by the gun, die by the gun.

    "But he died a martyr's death!"

    Not necessarily. Reports are that he committed suicide using his suicide vest when US forces were near.

    Wondering, whom I had been teaching all this long, never ever to commit suicide no matter what. You are in hell fire then.

    Waiting for the next phase, new events to unfold, new decade and new powers to rise.


    27-Oct-2019 1:06 pm

    27-Oct-2019 2:30 pm

    Al-Baghdadi Tribute :

    - He stood for Iraqi Sunnis at a time when Shias were mass torturing Sunnis every where in post Saddam Iraq. At one time it seemed like Iraq is about to go through a Safavid like conversion in Iran 400 years back. That didn't happen, tide changed on his rise.

    - He showed that it's possible for 300 fighters to stand against 30 thousands in this era and still win, like in ancient Sparta. Modern warfare hasn't changed much of the old power balance equation. He lost, but kept a precedence on what's possible for the future.

    The bad parts :

    - His group was Kharizi, pure and simple.

    - All the lost lives, broken families and deceived Muslims.

    27-Oct-2019 2:30 pm

    27-Oct-2019 3:48 pm

    News in comment : Film director Palash, he sold everything he and his wife possessed and also borrowed huge money on interest to produce a film called "গন্তব্য" which never got released. Now he is homeless, wifeless, deep in debt and works in a restaurant.

    Lesson? "Pursue your dream, no matter what" -- doesn't work in real life.

    Get a real job or a real business that pays for a living. Hobbies are for rich kids that are looking for a way to lose their money.

    Let not a rich kids' hobby deceive you thinking that's a recipe for success. It's not. Life is tough and merciless.

    27-Oct-2019 3:48 pm

    27-Oct-2019 5:13 pm

    Those that ask why I don't argue, and why am I uncomfortably receptive of differentiating ideas -- here's the answer : I am probably more mature than you are. :V :V :V

    Q. "But self certifying your maturity, means you are actually immature."
    A. Ooops! My bad. :V

    But you get the point anyway. :-)

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    27-Oct-2019 5:13 pm

    27-Oct-2019 9:33 pm

    Earth and its man made satellites. The dense outer circle is geo stationary orbit. The zoomed inner dense one is lower earth orbit. Note that earth dia is 12k km. Geo stationary orbit is at 40k.
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    27-Oct-2019 9:33 pm

    27-Oct-2019 9:43 pm

    Depressing song on the most tortured people in a cursed land. And I have gone through this song at least 10 times today. It's the tune. And he has touched only the surface. Enough said.

    Censoring everything that I might have added here.

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    27-Oct-2019 9:43 pm

    28-Oct-2019 8:16 pm

    Fazlur Rahman vs Imran Khan in Pakistan :

    We are now down to the last few splits to watch who stands. Fazlur Rahman is gaining much support from our Dewbondi scholars in BD. Pro-Dewbondi but non-scholars are on Imran Khan's side.

    It's more like : while my teachers support one side in politics, all the students are on the other side. This should create a big split within the Dewbondis.

    Personally I don't see anyway how Fazlur Rahman can win. And if he can't then he becomes the sinner in starting a fight.

    Watch, and the conclusion should be educational for us in one way or another.

    We are now on to the last few divisive wars.

    28-Oct-2019 8:16 pm

    28-Oct-2019 8:49 pm

    Meanwhile : Lebanon's protest against WhatsApp tax turned so large that people started running to banks assuming the country might shutdown. Banks quickly ran out of money and are now closed for 12 days. Plus no salaries, as all job salaries were dispatched through bank.

    With roads and highways closed the country has indeed shutdown.

    28-Oct-2019 8:49 pm

    29-Oct-2019 12:57 am

    Was talking to my mentor,

    Me : "Looks like a lot of people now have switched to English status posting, which I can assume started after me. But I thought I was the anti-hero in the herd, everyone opposes whatever side I take."

    He : "Well apparently not. There are followers, but imagine what you could have done had you posted more sincere religious motivational posts."

    "But that would have made more people reading my statuses look at me as a saint. Which I am not!"


    "And then the clash, others that are more eager to lead the young would get after me, thinking I am herding their followers away from them."


    "And then the balance. When people get too pious, they start to look at others as sinners. Which destroys their good deeds and brings them down bellow the sinners. I can't control that emotion. Young followers trend to take every good thing I say so seriously."


    "You know I am just confused as to where to draw the line. Where to put the balance."


    "Any advice?"

    29-Oct-2019 12:57 am

    29-Oct-2019 1:27 am

    This one was most practical docker introduction for me. No GUI junks, everything from command line and covers the basic usage without wondering why I have to do this.

    Why docker? Otherwise for a ML/AI job you need to waste at least 5 days installing and configuring it the old way, instead of pulling a docker container and running it in 5 minutes.

    29-Oct-2019 1:27 am

    29-Oct-2019 2:13 pm

    Rounding :

    Most of the time you don't need too much details on a number. Those might look pretty and informative on presentation but hard to grok.

    "The distance is 2834 km" -- might be accurate but hard to comprehend.

    "The distance is 3000 km" -- you can comprehend it easily. Even if it's not 100% correct.

    And 2834 is approx equal to 3000.

    Therefore the rule is to round all numbers to its first digit only. You can now better understand the quantity, and work with those numbers further.

    29-Oct-2019 2:13 pm

    29-Oct-2019 3:18 pm

    Banking :
  • JP Morgan moving out of NYC to cut cost.
  • "Half the World’s Banks Are Too Weak to Survive a Downturn." - Report.
  • Bank run in Lebanon.
  • In BD .

    29-Oct-2019 3:18 pm

  • 29-Oct-2019 11:14 pm

    With all the doom and gloom news around, needed some entertainment to cheer myself up. So searched around youtube to listen to "Ding dong the witch is dead" from Wizard of Oz. That brings back so much memory from the past.

    Q. "So which witch is dead?"
    It was the evil witch of the east, I guess, in the land of Oz.

    "I asked which witch from the real world?"
    Don't know. I am not into witchcraft anyway.


    • I would have visited it, if it had a chain here, and the witch was dead.

    29-Oct-2019 11:14 pm

    30-Oct-2019 12:07 am

    I get frequent spams from web-developer-consultants that my website [ habibur.com ] doesn't look proper and they will redesign or re-build it for me at a cost. All these mails directly go to spam.

    But I am thinking of replying to a few and check how they rebuild it. The "salat time" section is all C. It's not only C for calculating the prayer times, it's C all over including handling the request and rendering the html page.

    If anyone plans to redesign it for me, it would be interesting to watch how they propose to do the calculation and at what cost.

    And that was just the beginning of the challenges.

    30-Oct-2019 12:07 am

    30-Oct-2019 2:36 am

    The popularity of Docker Kubernetes has emphasized the need to run a Linux desktop natively on your laptop as your development environment.

    The popularity of "develop on OSX and deploy on Linux" should now be waning. You not only are uploading source code, rather you are uploading all the binaries from your laptop's OS on to the server.

    Well this still can be managed in OSX by running a Linux Vbox over OSX, but what's the point?

    30-Oct-2019 2:36 am

    30-Oct-2019 12:25 pm

    Here's the difference between how to run a python script natively vs through docker :

    Native :
    $ python myscript.py

    The above will convert to the following when ran through docker
    $ docker exec container python myscript.py

    The difference being when running natively, you are running your local computer's python, while in the later case python within that docker container will run on the same script that you have saved on your disk.

    30-Oct-2019 12:25 pm

    30-Oct-2019 2:22 pm

    Hurricane Kyarr is a rare hurricane in Arabian sea. As this side of the ocean doesn't see much hurricane at all.

    But this rare hurricane has got exceptionally strong to cat 5 or 4. It most probably will hit Oman in Arabia.

    It hasn't hit yet, the video in pic is the result of high tide when the sea has over flown the city even before it strikes.

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    30-Oct-2019 2:22 pm

    30-Oct-2019 9:15 pm

    Tyson from our time. How he looks now. Heavy weight boxer. He used to win challenges in mere seconds knocking his opponents out. But he had his own scandals that put him down at his peak.

    Prior to him was Muhammed Ali (previously called Clay) that was really famous, and all on the positive side. Muhammad Ali visited BD in the late 70s. He died from brain injuries related to his boxing career.

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    • ^ you will have to install a guest os, if for example you are building the image on Windows and plan to deploy the image on a Linux server. Then you have to install VirtualBox and a guest Linux OS to run docker.

    30-Oct-2019 9:15 pm

    31-Oct-2019 12:41 pm

    So, a Tablig jamat was travelling on train in Pakistan. They had their cooking stove with them. Tried to cook breakfast today morning turning on the stove in the train. The gas cylinder exploded. Three cars caught fire. 62 dead.

    31-Oct-2019 12:41 pm

    31-Oct-2019 3:18 pm

    Ask Sumon. Didn't know he wasn't a scholar, always assumed him one. Feeling sorry for him. I should have sensed this coming beforehand. Traces of links and references pointing him were there.

    Sorry for everything.
    Foremost sorry for myself.
    Don't know how my end might arrive.

    • No link. Post only for those that know.

    31-Oct-2019 3:18 pm

    31-Oct-2019 3:47 pm

    News : BD imported 2 million kg of beef from Korea and India in last 6 months only. Saudi's name is also there but I don't believe it. Saudi's name is there just to soften the title.

    And reports, these meat are being sold to restaurants at tk 120/kg. While local meat sell for 600. An offer hard to decline.

    So? So what? Not a problem. But watch where you eat if you want to eat only "Halal" slaughter, like every other muslim.

    31-Oct-2019 3:47 pm

    31-Oct-2019 10:39 pm

    The fall of so many towers
    So many old calculations, now getting solved
    So many conclusions, now reaching hands

    So many great logic, now proven hollow
    So many raised voices, now proven false

    I know a lot, only because I have witnessed a lot
    Over many generations

    I feel like
    My sons won't gain from these
    As they won't accept my word on blank face
    Like how I didn't accept my elders words on blank face

    They have to go through these all by themselves
    These hardship, these blown up claims
    These misguidance in the name of real guidance
    Moving from edge to edge, corner to corner
    And then they would see the same things I have seen

    But by then they will have reached my age, too.

    31-Oct-2019 10:39 pm