Post# 1570408889

7-Oct-2019 6:41 am

The main part where Sheikh Yasir Qadhi disassociates himself from what he calls "nazdi dawah", and what the general population call "wahabism". The speech is now shaking up the net right now as it comes from someone who was with it for so long, and not an outsider. This is the 18 min relevant video cut from the full 2 hour discussion, link of which is in comment.

Plan to write on it later, inshaAllah, summarizing what he said. But for now here's the raw thing. And watch how that teaching now has morphed into the group in BD we call the "manhaji", aka "jihadi".


  • The full video is here, and I am providing the link once again.

7-Oct-2019 6:41 am
