Post# 1571560424

20-Oct-2019 2:33 pm

Here's my advice for the young that follow me really to seek advice :

Things are on the brink. Don't engage in anything right now. Don't attack any group or attack or defend any position.

Establishments, ideologies and teachings have started to break down and everyone is now looking for something to blame for their misery.

Don't attack the jihadis, they have failed, but now should be on look for someone to blame.

Don't attack the men in power, they are on run and will fall with or without your interventions.

Simply keep quiet and keep a low profile. It's not time even to express your disagreement on anything. Hold onto your position and stand where you are.

And don't get over exited for the future, I am a stern believer of "out of the frying pan into the fire" theory for the near future.

Just shut your mouth and keep quiet for the next two years.

And pray for guidance -- and safety.

20-Oct-2019 2:33 pm
