Post# 1570526186

8-Oct-2019 3:16 pm

I get asked for family matter advice from time to time. Mostly on what to do on married life crisis. So here's some of my observations and advice :

|| Nothing is worth leaving your wife unless

Unless she cheated, adultery. Things less than that are her being aggressive, abusive, un-cooperative or anything else you can think of. And there's a hadith that says for every bad thing you can find in your wife who is a believer, you can find another one equally good. You won't ever find someone who's good on all sides. Therefore your problem doesn't count, it's not worth leaving her.

|| And it's not worth staying with her when

When she has committed adultery. It doesn't matter how much she has changed, will change, repents or how hard it is for you to break off. You choose to stay with that wife for any *valid* justification and you would be falling in the definition of "daiyous". As that's the definition of that word. How you would be seen in afterlife is up to God. It's not worth it for anything, period.

|| Interestingly most of what I get asked for are

"My wife isn't an adulterer, but I want to break up with her for this and that..." -- well no. No matter what.

or, "My wife committed fornication, she repents and I want to stay with her... can I? should I?" -- well no again.

Lastly it's your choice, your life.
Those were my advice anyway.

8-Oct-2019 3:16 pm
