Post# 1571275481

17-Oct-2019 7:24 am

Yesterday's News :
NASA publishes a paper on another "no thrust drive" -- called a Helical drive.

The idea is simple : accelerate particles in an engine so that it approaches speed of light while travelling to one direction, then slow it down when the particle return travel to opposite side. Relativity indicates that the mass of the particle will increase on one way and fall on the other. The engine will accelerate without a thrust, and simply from using internal energy.

Today : ArsTechnica rips off the proposal as so absurd, that a simple physics student should have caught it, let alone NASA.

The good news, it wasn't any NASA scientist, just a manager that worked on it.

I am still waiting for another opposing view, in case I missed something.

17-Oct-2019 7:24 am
