Post# 1570910657

13-Oct-2019 2:04 am

Here are all the groups/states that are supporting Erdogan/Turkey in this war in Syria.

- Ikhwan, implying our JI supporters in BD are also in support.

  • AQ, which means the manhaji "bros" group in BD are also strongly in favor, I can't know it directly as I have blocked them all :-)
  • Qatar
  • Pakistan
  • Somalia
  • Spain

    Rest of all are against. I am still torn and confused. But it's pretty clear that anyone who pushes me to support Turkey in this war should be from JI or AQ :V They have an agenda.

    I need to figure out a team to support outside of *their* agenda.

    Keep watching.

    13-Oct-2019 2:04 am

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