Post# 1609350793

30-Dec-2020 11:53 pm

Without calculator :

Sun Rise : 6:00 am - 3 mins + longitude - latitude + equation of time.

Sun Set : 6:00 pm + 3 mins + longitude + latitude + equation of time.

The following table shows latitude correction for 23.75, which basically the level of Dhaka. The numbers represent minutes to correct on 1st of that month. You need to interpolate for the rest.

So rise/set for tomorrow 31st Dec.

We can find equation of time is 2 mins. How? Shall explain later insahAllah. And longitude correction for Dhaka is -2 mins round the year.

Set the values.

Sun Rise : 6:00 -3 -2 +40 +2 = 6:37, which actually is 6:42.
Sun Set : 600 +3 -2 -40 +2 = 5:23, which actually is 5:22

  • well, then was it tasty?

30-Dec-2020 11:53 pm
