Post# 1608781424

24-Dec-2020 9:43 am

Found this on a Maliki channel :

Imam Layth رحمه الله said: "I met Malik in Madinah and I said to him, "I see that you are wiping sweat from your forehead."

Imam Malik رحمه الله replied: "Abu Hanifa has made me sweat, he is a true faqih, o' Egyptian!"

📚 - [ترتيب المدارك 1/62]

--- end.

Now many of us think Imam Malik was a stern opposer of Imam Abu Hanifa to the point of no respect. "Avoid him" type of situation. Hardly the fact. With so much speeches of hatred being spread around by our current hate team, we forget how much respect all the fakih had over one another.

May Allah give us from that and allow us to follow their path.

You can cut-quote from anyone and prove "he was that, or this". This mostly reflects your view. Not the view of the one you are quoting.

Be aware of hate mongering quote providers.

24-Dec-2020 9:43 am
