Post# 1556093400

24-Apr-2019 2:10 pm

Srilanka had their own preacher like our "Jasimuddin Rahmani". He was called "Zahran Hashim". And youtube is full of his lectures in their local language. And they had their own local group that needed some foreign training and materials and was ready to go. Like our J*B.

Seen that, been there. And we know the consequences.

The lesson?

Anyone can preach anything from the Quran. There's no shortage of logic. Or shortage of attempts in bringing up 40 pages of explanation from a single word from Quran. You only need determination, a high pitched tone, a bully personality and just be plain psychopath. Youngs will rally around you in herds. They love fights like how communists and socialists in the 60s and 70s loved fights. In the name of something good. You only need to tell them "that's for a good cause."

Our country have been there, seen it.
And sri lanka death now stands at 360.

No one is a winner. No one. Not even the young that have given up their life believing they are about to enter paradise.

Reminder once again : The Prophet ﷺ warned us about them, and informed us that these people will be at the bottom of hell.

Their logic and reasoning ends with their death.
And may God save us from misguidance.

24-Apr-2019 2:10 pm
