Post# 1550250613

15-Feb-2019 11:10 pm

Tablig/Sponsoring - 2

Here are all the clues that I can link up with "stopping the sponsoring system" in Tablig Jamat. By "sponsoring system" I mean a rule that states elders in Tablig can't take money from businessmen for their travel expense. Rather elders should spend it from their personal fund. "নিজের জান, নিজের মাল"।

- 1995. Maw Enamul Hasan died. Hunt for the next amir in full swing. Maw. Zubair was proposed as the next amir. But Mewaties objected with a written letter : "he has links with businessmen and rich men." Word of this incident was spread at that time. Maybe they were referring to the sponsoring system.

- Ten years later 2005. The elders from Nijamuddin visited Kakrail and told every elder in Kakrail "you aren't doing tablig, rather you have opened a business center here." Targeted to Hafez Zubair too. Looks like they meant it literally, even though at that time I thought it was metaphorical. They meant this sponsoring system.

- Ten years later 2015. Some of the booklets being published recently indicating how Maw. Saad was being evil with other elders in Nijamuddin described how he stopped one of the "sponsored" cars and made the old elders suffer during a travel to a destination from Nijamuddin.

- Recently I was listening to one of the speeches of one of the elders that have left Nijamuddin. He was explaining in Urdu how Nijamuddin was asking for money for his living and other expenses. He continued to give it. But couldn't afford it all. Which finally lead to his exit from Markaj. I believe prior to all these, money was never taken from elders rather businessmen sponsored all costs associated with Nijamuddin.

  • তবে এই কাজ এখন ছেড়ে দিয়ে ভালো করেন নি এটা বুঝা যাচ্ছে।

15-Feb-2019 11:10 pm
