Post# 1540428647

25-Oct-2018 6:50 am

Here's what US Ambassador to Israel. Dan Shapiro said on Khashoggi's murder aftermath on Israel. In Haaretz :

"The grisly hit-job on Khashoggi has implications far beyond its exposure of the Saudi Crown Prince as brutal and reckless. In Jerusalem and D.C., they’re mourning their whole strategic concept for the Mideast – not least, for countering Iran…

"It raises fundamental questions for the United States and Israel about their whole strategic concept in the Middle East…the Khashoggi murder, beyond obliterating red lines of immorality, also points to the fundamental unreliability of Saudi Arabia under MBS as a strategic partner. What happened in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul echoes words once used to describe Napoleon’s elimination of an opponent: "It’s worse than a crime. It’s a mistake." One might add, a strategic mistake”.

“It won’t be easy for Israel to navigate these waters, as the Washington foreign policy establishment has quickly splintered into anti-Iran and anti-Saudi camps … For Israelis, the biggest blow in the fallout of Khashoggi’s murder MBS, in his obsession with silencing his critics, has actually undermined the attempt to build an international consensus to pressure Iran.

25-Oct-2018 6:50 am
