Post# 1522990737

6-Apr-2018 10:58 am

Berkeley University's data science course. Its online version is now free.

Link to news coverage which contains the relevant links.

Note that with so many people enrolling for data science now a days the market will soon be flooded with certificate holders that can't do their job.

But that doesn't necessarily mean that demand will fall. It might, or it might not. Depends on the increase in demand over time.

  • Iraq was known for its in-fight, and dis-obedience from the early days of Islam.
  • Sharif Apple বয়স ৫০ এর উপর হলে উনি কম্পুটার চালাতে পারবেন না হয়তো। এর সাথে ইলেট্রিল ড্রিল টুলস এসবের টুক টাক কাজ।

6-Apr-2018 10:58 am
