Post# 1442484797

17-Sep-2015 4:13 pm

From "Interpretations of quantum theory: A map of madness"
Motivated by some recent news, a journalist asks a group of physicists: “What’s the meaning of the violation of Bell’s inequality?” One physicist answers: “It means that non-locality is an established fact”. Another says: “There is no non-locality; the message is that measurement outcomes are irreducibly random”. A third one says: “It cannot be answered simply on purely physical grounds, the answer requires an act of metaphysical judgement”a. Puzzled by the answers, the journalist keeps asking questions about quantum theory: “What is teleported in quantum teleportation?” “How does a quantum computer really work?” Shockingly, for each of these questions, the journalist obtains a variety of answers which, in many cases, are mutually exclusive. At the end of the day, the journalist asks: “How do you plan to make progress if, after 90 years of quantum theory, you still don’t know what it means?

17-Sep-2015 4:13 pm
