Post# 1612360590

3-Feb-2021 7:56 pm

Good read : How to lose money quickly.

1. Trade Options.

For BD it's more like engage in day trading, pyramid scheme, FOREX, Saving scheme [ সমিতি ] and likes.

2. Write a Book

3. Teach Online Courses

This will demand huge amount of your time. Without much return. Rather focus on things you enjoy. Record presentations while you learn. And upload. Your investment isn't lost, as you spent nothing.

4. Get a Degree

Like getting an MBA or Arts degree, which are worthless. Science and Engineering degrees cost a fraction and pays you quickly. His words.

5. Become an Inventor

High cost. Not much return. Someone else will make money from your invention.

6. Do Internet Advertising

Your goodwill should sell gradually taking some time. Don't SPEND money on paid advertisements. Regardless of what ad-companies say to convince you. Google didn't spend a single dollar on their own ad.

7. Stop finishing Projects

8. Buy $GME

OK. Those were given.

Link to full article. Good humorous read.

3-Feb-2021 7:56 pm
