Post# 1612192095

1-Feb-2021 9:08 pm

US Sec of State gave an interview today that's making the rounds :

The points :

- Iran "weeks away" from getting enough fissile materials for a bomb.

Iran attack imminent?

- US might return back to Obama peace contract w/ Iran if Iran wills so.

But we know Iran isn't willing now.

- US reviewing relation with Saudi.

But declined to condemn MbS. Though he did raise the issue of Khashoggi.

- Reviewing China taxes and willing to revert back if this hurts US more than it does China.

Watching Soybean oil price going up right now in BD? It has to do with US-China relationship.

- US will strengthen meddling with foreign states affairs.

As US withdrawing from anywhere on the world means China filling up that void -- he says.

Other foreign policy talks are there. Check.

1-Feb-2021 9:08 pm
