Post# 1612018348

30-Jan-2021 8:52 pm

Why American Football? - 2

- "If touch down is the goal here, what are those goal posts for?"

You can call those penalty posts. You kick the ball any time and if you manage to pass the ball between the posts, or even above the post -- you score half a goal, aka 3 points. This one is called "Field goal".

But obviously everyone tries to make a touch down to score 6 points and only reverts to field goal when they can't make it in time.

- "Good. So how much does each team score in an average game?"

Around 30 to 40. Generally speaking.

- "Now tell me : why do I always see all the players pointlessly fighting with each other all over the field, when they aren't even holding the ball?"

These players are preventing the opposite side's player from reaching the ball. That's it. The secret.

- "And is this Islamically ok?"

Don't know. But at least they don't play wearing shorts, which is the dress for European football. That should be a plus side.

- "I am sold. Tell me more."

In next post, inshaAllah :-) Rules of the game.

30-Jan-2021 8:52 pm
