Post# 1606464673

27-Nov-2020 2:11 pm

How to buy cheap from Daraz.

[ consumer to consumer post. sellers, please step aside. we don't want to hear your views ]

Search the product.

The recommended items will show up first. These are *affiliated* by Daraz and therefore are priced at least 40% higher.

Find the "Sort order" drop list at the top and change it from "Recommended first" to "Price Lowest to Highest". Submit.

A new list will appear. with the cheapest items first. The same products but almost half the price.

Check reputation of the first two sellers and buy from the one you find ok.

Don't fall for the saying that higher priced version *should* be of better quality. It's not.

The slogan "Diamonds are forever" has to do with robbing you than quality of Diamonds.

27-Nov-2020 2:11 pm
