Post# 1603574327

25-Oct-2020 3:18 am

Khabib vs Justin.
Khabib won on 2nd round. 29-0.

Watched it now. Not live. Justin didn't have a chance. Khabib was teasing him for the first 3-4 minutes and Justin being too tense quickly lost his energy even before the fight started. By the end of 1st round he was simply running around to escape from Khabib.

Yet Khabib managed to grab Justin's legs Khabib's famous styled. But time was up for 1st round soon after that.

2nd round. Basically Khabib beating and kicking Justin on chances. Justin's famous kicks weren't anywhere to be seen, if that legend was indeed real. And a 2nd grab on the legs in round 2 and game was over.

Khabib didn't even bleed. Justin was bleeding since 1st round.


By the end of it Khabib broke down in tears inside the ring. Maybe he was missing his father who died in Covid.

Great work.

25-Oct-2020 3:18 am
