Post# 1602501604

12-Oct-2020 5:20 pm

Afghan Taliban Mujahids are die hard supporter of Trump in this election. Reports CBS after phone Interview.

Now Talibans can later deny that story. But that doesn't mean the following story is made up or false.

Me betting on Biden. Hold tight.

quotes ____

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told CBS News in a phone interview :

"We believe that Trump is going to win the upcoming election because he has proved himself..."

"Trump might be ridiculous for the rest of the world, but he is sane and wise man for the Taliban."

"When we heard about Trump being COVID-19 positive, we got worried for his health, but seems he is getting better."

"Honestly, Trump was much more honest with us than we thought"

"Other politicians, including Biden, chant unrealistic slogans."

"We hope he will win the election..."

  • Taliban supporters. No need to post Taliban refutation links here.

12-Oct-2020 5:20 pm
