Post# 1600693867

21-Sep-2020 7:11 pm


Now comfortable with block building method.

Following Heise's method.
Block building + commutators for last corners.

Pros :
(+) No algo. Zero.
(+) Least number to turns.

Steps :
1. Build 4 blocks of size 2x2x1. Ending into F2L-1
2. Five edges.
3. Five corners.

Turns :
2 blocks : 8 turns.
3 blocks : 8 turns.
4 blocks : 8 turns.
5 edges : 8 turns.
5 corners : 20 turns.

Average : 52 turns.

Compare with CFOP : 70 turns + 17 algorithm to memorize. 4LLL.

  • ^ worth it for commercial works only I guess. not for hobbyist like me. 1 pc with these specs will cost around 300k.

21-Sep-2020 7:11 pm
