Post# 1600042167

14-Sep-2020 6:09 am

Oman congratulated Bahrain on its "peace initiative" and hopes to join.

So next is Oman. Morocco declared will allow Israeli planes fly over.

Meanwhile Saudi waiting for Palestine authority to accept its peace offer and declare *union*. After which it hopes to jump in.

Now is a bad time to be Palestine leader. Though not betting on them to cave in.

Watched the Clinton era peace initiative in the 90s. Everything was finalized, friendly and ready to go. But Palestine authority stubbornly declined, afaik Yasir Arafat was then the leader.

Later the signing went on without Palestine. And Jordan joined in.

Heavy pressure from Saudi side on Palestine this time to agree on a contract.

Watch on.

14-Sep-2020 6:09 am
