Post# 1599814383

11-Sep-2020 2:53 pm

Today is 9/11, and how I grew up since :

2001 : Insider job. Didn't believe OBL was involved.

2010 : Yes OBL was involved. My reaction, "Muh!".

2020 : Came to know a lot about OBL's teaching of "Manhaj". There's more to it than meets the eyes at first sight. The depth. You either "accept it all, the Manhaji teaching", or "you are an enemy of us just like them".

Me : Well, ain't that sure. Time to seek neutral ground.

Next decade, if I happen to live through might bring up something new. Or death, meet God on whatever I stand on.

  • সাউন্ড অনেক ক্ষিন। শুনা যায় না কিছু। একেবারে কম।

11-Sep-2020 2:53 pm
