Post# 1596814657

7-Aug-2020 9:37 pm

"King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table" by Roger Lancelyn Green. 1953.

This one was our textbook in class 2 or 3 in whichever school I used to read in then. And the teacher went through to end in that year. Memories from 40 years back. Never read it afterwards but still remember the stories in a foggy state. In the end before the king died, he threw his sword in a lake, which was then caught by a hand as seen in the cover pic. And his magician Marlin went inside a cave and closed it.

Now these were all British tales, made up stories. And there were no king in UK named such or his magician. Medieval stories were popular at that time. Now you hardly see those.

  • Plz don't ask which school.

7-Aug-2020 9:37 pm
