Post# 1593740585

3-Jul-2020 7:43 am


"Choose Your Own Adventure" -- game book.

Used to read a bunch of those in the late 80s and early 90s. These are story books but instead of carrying on the story it gives you a choice to make after a few pages. Like : Do you want to fight the monster or flee? And based on your choice you jump to corresponding page where the story continues with that choice.

And finally you either win, or fail and die.

Great read. Still remember. Read TSR's Endless Quest Books mainly. The maker of the original Dungeon and Dragons.

  • * didn't watch the film Contagion. Just know about it regardless.
  • ^ I can just remove the single word "bad" and you won't find anything to object to after that. Minimal delta.
  • ^ correct. Jajakallah.
  • Book on what? The pic or writing? The pic is just collected from the web with some keyword search.
  • Made up from feelings. Not from a book that I can quote. But you can feel that too by reading the Quran and wondering over it. Give it time, and dedication. Long journey and you have been given ample of time.

3-Jul-2020 7:43 am
