Post# 1593417081

29-Jun-2020 1:51 pm


Q. How can I build a UPS backup for my router and devices?

A. Note

- Most of all devices run on 12V or 9V DC supply.

  • Most of all 9V devices run perfectly on 12V supply.
  • Using a conventional AC UPS is too much.

    How to do it?

    Buy two 6V rechargeable batteries. Might cost you around 400 taka each.

    Serially join the charging poles with wire, and thus it will now deliver 12V.

    Connect the 12V adapter/charger with its input. Charger's +ve side with battery's +ve. Now as long as you stick the charger into socket, the batteries will *slow* charge.

    Use a diode in the connection so that current doesn't go reverse.

    You have built the UPS. Now how to use it.

    Connect the battery's +ve and -ve poles with the device's power input. You are done.

    When the power is up, it battery will take charge until it's fully charged. And on power down, it will supply power to the devices from itself. No switching required.

    You needed 1 diode, and two 6V batteries. Solder/connector is common. And as for the wire you can just cut the wire of your charger in the middle and use both sides on the right and left of the battery perfectly. Thus no extra wire or connector required.


    • Find a simple 12V UPS circuit/idea here.

    29-Jun-2020 1:51 pm

  • Published