Post# 1592614260

20-Jun-2020 6:51 am

Coronavirus/Covid :

- Too mild symptoms and one won't develop the immunity required for future prevention. He will catch it again.

- Too severe ill, and he will have damaged lung for the rest of his life, even if he survives.

- Larger exposure results into disease being more severe. As happening to doctors.

There's no easy way out.

  • ফ্রেন্ড লিষ্টে একটিভ আছে হয়তো ২০ জন। এর মাঝে কমেন্টকারি কেউ নেই।
  • মোট ফ্রেন্ড ৯০ জন।

20-Jun-2020 6:51 am
