Post# 1592370980

17-Jun-2020 11:16 am

North Korea. Kim's sister is now running the show. Implying Kim is probably dead or under life support from coronavirus or other surgery as reported two months back. Which Trump then said "We know the truth, but I can't say it."

And his once public appearance was most likely through one of his body double, which previously was reported he having three of them.

Kim's sister is a bad news. Anyone thinking women are generally caring and soft and won't start a war -- is out of touch of reality and living in his ideological bubble. :-)

  • ^ সম্পূর্ন এই সিমান্ত গন্ডোগোলের ব্যপারে চীন নিশ্চুপ। এটাকে বড় কোনো খবর বা ঘটনা ধরছে না। তাই যাই জানাক এটা জানাচ্ছে ভারতীয় মিডিয়া। এবং তারা চীনের হতাহতকে নিজেদের থেকে বাড়িয়ে বলবে এটা যুদ্ধের নিয়ম।

17-Jun-2020 11:16 am
