Post# 1591161632

3-Jun-2020 11:20 am


That's always me.

Another reason not to wear any mask this year.

The first world cup in BD that was popular. Before 86 TVs weren't available as much. This one was the first one to be live broadcast on BTV and made world cups popular. And kick started Argentina fans in BD, if anyone wondered where they came from. The year Maradona became sensational in BD.

Misc theories on 2020, and my reaction.

Never realized.

Reason why I ain't suited, yet.

Knew that, rock paper scissor! How to deflect the incoming rock.

Everytime I hear someone developed an entire app in two days in a hackathon.

Learning statistics from a chick flick.

For those that prepare their food by themselves, like me.

Terminologies explained honestly.

  • ^ Command line simple text processor in Linux.

3-Jun-2020 11:20 am
