Post# 1590628838

28-May-2020 7:20 am

On Covid test :

In other news : loss of smell / taste is now reported by 90% of all hospitalized confirmed patients. Previously that number was put at 30% only. So if you suddenly lose smell, know what's up.

To confirm if you are riding the wave, test your smell daily. Easy way might be to pick up a scent [ আতর ] bottle, or aftershave lotion, or detol anything that has a strong smell. You won't be able to smell anything. Even though your nose is as clear and dry as it can be.

This lasts for about 2 days, generally. Loss of taste will make pure water taste like pee. That might last longer, say a week.

Link to news pending.

  • পুরো লিষ্ট :

28-May-2020 7:20 am
