Post# 1589203728

11-May-2020 7:28 pm

See the graph in my FB cover image? It says in 1918 pandemic, the first wave came in Summer, like how we are facing it right now. Then it went away at the end of Summer.

Then it returned 10 times larger in the winter. Which for us is the upcoming Nov/Dec. It then went away in January. But then again returned in Summer, again, but in smaller size.

I am expecting this pandemic to follow that pattern too. What we are watching is the pre-show, the trailer, the first wave. The big wave is upcoming.

Therefore I would rather save my quarantine energy for then. There's no relax until January next. And then still it won't necessarily go away in January.

Link in comment how UK gov is preparing for the pandemic. "The vaccine might never arrive." "Lockdowns are here to stay."

Ofcourse we won't forever be able to live with lockdown. We have to work riding the tide. Some might fall, a lot might fall. But that's life.

11-May-2020 7:28 pm
