Post# 1588701489

5-May-2020 11:58 pm

Coronavirus :

This news is making the rounds on the web. The original Wuhan virus was less contagious. The strain that's spreading in US and EU is a different mutation.

The implication being once you get infected by the first one, you can get reinfected by the second mutation as it's a different virus.

And vaccines of one might not work on the other.

The interesting bit of info is that common flu viruses mutate like this each year too, which is why every year people have to take separate flu shot.

But one version might or might not be more deadly than the other. Though one might be pressed to believe the US/EU version is more deadly. It still is not proven, but claims might change in the future.

Keep watching. Link in comment.

5-May-2020 11:58 pm
