Post# 1585636715

31-Mar-2020 12:38 pm

Wuhan investigation is out, and apparently 40,000 died there in 1 month instead of the government declared 2000.

Wuhan has a population of 10 million. And as such 10 thousand die there every month in normal circumstances.

Indicating death rate jumps up 4 times in this pandemic for a month or two. And as such, mortality rate for the year will be up to 1.5% instead of the usual 1%.

But that's *after* they took extreme measures. What if they just left it as like "it's a bad flu?"

For that we need to know what percent of Wuhan population was actually infected. Using random or mass antibody test. I can't find that number or estimation.

There's other risks like the virus might mutate to be more deadly. But till now, that's the number.

31-Mar-2020 12:38 pm
