Post# 1585212263

26-Mar-2020 2:44 pm

O level exams cancelled for this year. Everyone who have registered should have known by now.

What you can do next :

- The school will send a evaluation report of the student and Cambridge will provide grade based on it. Option 1.

- Sit for the exam next Sep, which might get cancelled too. Or next year. In that case your exam fee will be returned to British council, and you have to collect it from there.

- If you chose to sit next year, it's better you opt for both AS and O level at the same time next year, so that your kid doesn't lose a year.

*IF* the world returns back to its former glory then this certificate will be valuable. If not then.... well, what what's in life? Kidding.

26-Mar-2020 2:44 pm
