Post# 1584441853

17-Mar-2020 4:44 pm

Coronavirus : Some good news.

50% of the infected will not show any symptom. None not even fever. But will get immunity from the infection.

I was waiting for this number. Now divide the mortality rate with this number and assume 90% will get infected.

You get the picture.

So here are the possibilities.

100 get infected.
50 will get immune. Nothing.
40 will suffer fever. for 7 days. And then recover and be immune.
7 will roll over to next 7 days and need hospitalization and oxygen and then recover.
2 will need ICU and recover, maybe with a failed organ, if proper care given.
1 will die on 3rd week of illness, even if put in ICU.

It's still scary considering hospital capacity and our population. But on an individual level 1 from your family will need hospitalization. The rest will most likely be ok.

Unless what Allah wants.

17-Mar-2020 4:44 pm
