Post# 1582535356

24-Feb-2020 3:09 pm

T-virus : Casualty

Warning : The following is fictional writing based on Resident Evil, the popular Hollywood movie. Any resemblance to reality is pure coincidence.

Italy : 200 infected, 4 dead.
Iran : ILNA Irani gov news agency reports 50 dead, link to AP coverage in comment. Officially 12 dead.
S. Korea : 1000 infected, 7 dead.

Panic has hit, S. Korea, and Italy. In Italy store shelves have emptied out.

Yesterday there was a positive sign in China that they have "loosen" the lockdown in Wuhan a little bit. And today they retracted that declaration.

Production hasn't resume. No one is showing up for work.

24-Feb-2020 3:09 pm
