Post# 1582007730

18-Feb-2020 12:35 pm

Now I am not a doom-and-gloom person, [ you said I am? well maybe not as much as the others then :-) ] but this coronavirus thing is getting on my nerve.

Looks like the end is near. [ insert meme image here ]

Might be a side effect of me looking too deep into something that I shouldn't have done for sanity's sake.

For example ever tried reading any medical article for any disease? Any? Explains in gory details how the phases roll from mild to seriousness to more serious to being limbless or death.

Reading these things will drive you insane. Solution is... to just not read those. Ignorance is bliss.

Guess I have to find more of my meme-music and jokes to share :-)

18-Feb-2020 12:35 pm
