Post# 1581935439

17-Feb-2020 4:30 pm

Beijing right now. 5pm local time today. Rush hour after office end.

- 70% of the businesses say they can resume production from March. The rest are unsure.

- The whole Hubei province is in lockdown. No one can exit from his apartment without "once-in-two-days" pass.

- Any business that wants to resume needs government approval. They have permitted very large companies right now. Foxconn says it never said will resume 50% production by end of Feb.

- Huge fall in oil consumption in China. Oil tankers are standing still on port. No place to offload.

- Still no sign of any loosening of lock down conditions anywhere.

We shall have a better picture of the outcome in the next month, when things are expected to resume.

17-Feb-2020 4:30 pm
