Post# 1581800622

16-Feb-2020 3:03 am

Scholars will attack scholars.
Ideologies will attack other ideologies.

That's a given. So ignore those. Take the good things what they have to say. And ignore the attacks they make.

Or better find someone that attacks less. Someone who's 95% of words are good, positive and encouraging. Instead of say someone who's 95% of the time is attacking others.

A way to identify the false cults are to measure the attacks they make on the rest. The more misguided a group is from the right path, the more attacks they engage in on others.

Most of the loud mouthed vocal people you will find around you are misguided. Ignore them. Disconnect from them.

You will find truth in the silent followers. That talk less.

16-Feb-2020 3:03 am
