Post# 1581576919

13-Feb-2020 12:55 pm

nCoV :

Q. "Is it like other seasonal flu? or is it worse?"

I am watching Singapore numbers for it. Infected : 50. In ICU : 8. That gives a 15% of people ending up in ICU. But more of the people who are infected today might turn critical next week. Therefore the report that 25% ends up in ICU, is more believable.

Seasonal flu death rate is 0.1%. Spanish flu created pandemic. Death rate 2%. For nCoV we are talking about 5%.

Q. "Will it recede in Summer?"

Trump told that. But he got the information from China's president and echoed it. Not that western virologists saying it.

We will get a better overall picture next month in March, when the hidden global spread will start to get visible.

Q. "Is the situation improving?"

Looked like it's improving. Even though China reported 250 dead in a single day yesterday. Highest yet.

But situation might or might not take a nosedive in the near future. Whether it does or doesn't will be determinant.

Q. "Economic Impact?"

China business have opened. But production is still down. Apple's supplier, reported they hope to return to 50% production capacity by the end of Feb. That's bad considering that they are best performing among others. Production in all industries more likely is now at 10-20% of capacity.

We are feeling the impact here in BD market. Everything imported from China is now in short supply. Specially the raw materials used for production. Resulting in a price hike. The traders and manufacturers are feeling it worst.

No news coverage of it in media due to sensor. Avoid panic.

13-Feb-2020 12:55 pm
