Post# 1581316370

10-Feb-2020 12:32 pm

Deadly info. Paper on nCoV-2019 written from Hong Kong. Says it's not pneumonia-like. Rather which ever organ the virus can get into in sufficient numbers -- that organ will fail. Lungs fail mostly because people are getting it through inhalation. Heart failure can also happen if it gets into heart, and the affected will die from sudden heart attack. Explains the sudden fall-and-die cases. Kidney, lever, intestine every organ is vulnerable and are failing.

Mortality rate was found 15% in controlled study in Jan-2020. In a second study it was 11%.

Link to paper.

  • We can't rely on numbers from China. Rather keep an eye on other developed countries. Japan or Singapore which are facing the epidemic. In Singapore 43 are infected. 6 in ICU. More infected within these intial cases might get ICUed, we shall know the numbers later.

    With advanced medical care the mortality rate is 4-5%. And 25% will need ICU. When health care fails, more from that 25% will die.

10-Feb-2020 12:32 pm
