Post# 1580805865

4-Feb-2020 2:44 pm

My first post on coronavirus, can't imagine it was only two weeks back.

At that time this post looked like big. And now, it looks pale. Analyst : 6 to 12 months later the whole world will look like China.

Another one died in HK, outside of mainland China. 3rd infection detected in Kerala, India.

All 3 cases in India detected in Kerala because only Kerala has the detection ability. In other places of India it's most likely spreading silently.

Mortality rate is still undetermined. But likely 2%. Either you will recover silently without any symptom. Or die suddenly.

Report, in BD only one flight of passengers from China has been quarantined, if that can be called so. Passengers from other later flights are leaving the airport after 5 hours of wait.

Why the 5 hours of wait? To show that officers really care about rules and regulation. Until 5 hours that is, when they figure out there's no end solution and set the passengers free.

Quarantining China isn't a solution. As people are getting infected all over.

A new case today, a South Korean visited Thailand and caught the virus.

Therefore think of the economic and socio-political aspects next.

4-Feb-2020 2:44 pm
