Post# 1580015753

26-Jan-2020 11:15 am

  • A new city being quarantined, the first one outside of Hubei province, and 1000 km away from it.

    - Investigators interviewed the first infected persons and found half of them didn't have any link with the animal market.

    - Largest virus research facility in China is in Wuhan, the epicenter of the infection, near that animal market. This one is the "Umbrella Corp" of Resident Evil.

    - 15% mortality from the first 41 people who were infected.

    - From the very beginning it was clear that *unlike* regular flu which kills only elderly this one was killing young and elderly equally. China hid it and published age of elderly only.

    • ফিতনার সময় বসে থাকা দাড়িয়ে থাকা থেকে উত্তম, দাড়িয়ে থাকা হাটার থেকে উত্তম -- একটা হাদিস পাবেন।

    26-Jan-2020 11:15 am

  • Published